Source code for esm_version_checker.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Console script for esm_version_checker."""
import getpass
import importlib
import os
import pathlib
import pkg_resources
import re
import site
import subprocess
import sys

from git import Repo
from git.exc import GitCommandError
import click
import esm_rcfile

esm_tools_modules = [

esm_tools_installed = {tool: False for tool in esm_tools_modules}
def main(args=None):
    """Console script for esm_archiving."""
    # help_message = "Please use the subcommands check or update"
    # click.echo(help_message)
    return 0

[docs]def user_owns(binary): """True or False if user owns binary""" owner = pathlib.Path(binary).owner() return owner == getpass.getuser()
@main.command() def clean(args=None): print("You're pushing the red button. Duck and cover!") print("----------------------------------------------") remove_list = [] for package in os.listdir(site.getusersitepackages()): for tool_name in esm_tools_modules: if tool_name in package or tool_name.replace("_", "-") in package: remove_list.append(os.path.join(site.getusersitepackages(), package)) print("Will remove the following") print("Python packages:") for package in remove_list: print(f"* {package}") print("Binary programs:") for path_part in os.environ.get("PATH").split(":"): if os.path.exists(path_part): for binary in os.listdir(path_part): if "esm" in binary and user_owns(binary): remove_list.append(os.path.join(path_part, binary)) print(f"* {os.path.join(path_part, binary)}") if click.confirm("Do you want to continue?"): for esm_thing in remove_list: print(f"* Removing {esm_thing}")["rm", "-rf", esm_thing]) @main.command() def check(args=None): print("You are using the following esm_tools versions:") print("-----------------------------------------------") for tool in esm_tools_modules: message = f"{tool} : unknown version!" try: tool_mod = importlib.import_module(tool) import_successful = True esm_tools_installed[tool] = True except ImportError: import_successful = False if import_successful: try: message = tool + ": " + tool_mod.__version__ except AttributeError: try: message = tool + ": " + pkg_resources.get_distribution(tool).version except AttributeError: message = f"Opps! {tool} has no version??" except Exception: # Any other exception: raise if dist_is_editable(tool): repo_path = editable_dist_location(tool) repo = Repo(repo_path) try: describe = repo.git.describe(tags=True, dirty=True) except GitCommandError: describe = "Error" message += f" (development install, on branch: {}, describe={describe})" print(message) # PG: Blatant theft: #
[docs]def dist_is_editable(dist): """Is distribution an editable install?""" for path_item in sys.path: egg_link = os.path.join(path_item, dist.replace("_", "-") + ".egg-link") if os.path.isfile(egg_link): return True return False
[docs]def editable_dist_location(dist): """Determines where an editable dist is installed""" for path_item in sys.path: egg_link = os.path.join(path_item, dist.replace("_", "-") + ".egg-link") if os.path.isfile(egg_link): return open(egg_link).readlines()[0].strip() return None
[docs]def pip_install(package): subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "git+" + package, ] )
[docs]def pip_uninstall(package): subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "uninstall", package])
[docs]def pip_upgrade(package, version=None): if not dist_is_editable(package): package_name = package if version is not None: package = package + "@" + version try: # --user causes an error in a venv (which is used e.g. in CI) # explanation: if bool(os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV")): subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "git+" + package, ] ) else: subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "--upgrade", "git+" + package, ] ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Installation failed. Possible reasons are:") print("- You tried to pull a branch that does not exist") print( " A list of vaild branches is available at" + package_name + "/branches" ) print("- You provided an invalid version number.") print( " A list of vaild version numbers is available at" + package_name + "/releases" ) else: print( package, "is installed in editable mode! No upgrade performed. You may consider doing a git pull here:", ) package = importlib.import_module(package) print("/".join(package.__file__.split("/")[:-2]))
[docs]def pip_or_pull(tool, version=None): if tool == "esm_tools": print("esm_versions automatically does git operations for %s" % tool) FUNCTION_PATH = esm_rcfile.get_rc_entry("FUNCTION_PATH") esm_tools_dir = os.path.dirname(FUNCTION_PATH) esm_tools_repo = Repo(esm_tools_dir) try: assert not esm_tools_repo.is_dirty() except AssertionError: print("Your esm_tools directory is not clean!") print( "Please make sure you check in and commit everything before proceeding!" ) raise try: assert in ["release", "develop"] remote = esm_tools_repo.remote() remote.pull() print("Pulled new version of ", tool) except AssertionError: print("Only allowed to pull on release or develop!") print("You are on a branch: %s" % print("Please pull or change branches by yourself!") raise else: pip_upgrade(tool, version)
[docs]def check_importable_tools(): for tool in esm_tools_modules: try: importlib.import_module(tool) import_successful = True esm_tools_installed[tool] = True except ImportError: import_successful = False
@main.command() @click.argument("tool_to_upgrade", default="all") def upgrade(tool_to_upgrade="all"): if tool_to_upgrade == "esm_versions": tool_to_upgrade = "esm_version_checker" check_importable_tools() if tool_to_upgrade == "all": for tool in esm_tools_modules: if esm_tools_installed[tool]: pip_or_pull(tool) else: # allow the syntax esm_versions updgrade <name_of_tool>=vX.Y.Z or <name_of_tool>==vX.Y.Z # to install a specific version of a tool, default is None which means that the latest version # will be installed version = None if "=" in tool_to_upgrade: if "==" in tool_to_upgrade: tool_to_upgrade, version = tool_to_upgrade.split("==") else: tool_to_upgrade, version = tool_to_upgrade.split("=") if esm_tools_installed[tool_to_upgrade]: pip_or_pull(tool_to_upgrade, version) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # pragma: no cover