Source code for esm_archiving.config

When run from either the command line or in library mode (note **not** as an
ESM Plugin), ``esm_archiving`` can be configured to how it looks for specific
files. The configuration file is called ``esm_archiving_config``, should be
written in YAML, and have the following format::

    echam:  # The model name
        archive: # archive seperator **required**
            # Frequency specification (how often
            # a datestamp is generated to look for)
            frequency: "1M"
            # Date format specification
            date_format: "%Y%m"

By default, ``esm_archive`` looks in the following locations:

    1. Current working directory
    2. Any files in the XDG Standard:

If nothing is found, the program reverts to the hard-coded defaults, found in

.. note::

    In future, it might be changed that the program will look for an experiment
    specific configuration based upon the path it is given during the
    ``create`` or ``upload`` step.

Generating a configuration

You can use the command line switches ``--write_local_config`` and
``--write_config`` to generate configuration files either in the current
working directory, or in the global directory for your user account defined by
the XDG standard (typically ~/.config/esm_archiving)::

    $ esm_archive --write_local_config
    Writing local (experiment) configuration...

    $ esm_archive --write_config
    Writing global (user) configuration...

import logging
import os

from xdgenvpy import XDGPedanticPackage
import yaml

# Add XDG Standard
xdg = XDGPedanticPackage("esm_archiving")
config_dirs = xdg.XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.split(":")
config_dirs = [l + "/esm_archiving" for l in config_dirs]
config_dirs.insert(0, os.curdir)

# Defaults:
CONFIG_FNAME = "esm_archiving_config"
    "echam": {"archive": {"frequency": "1M", "date_format": "%Y%m"}},
    "jsbach": {"archive": {"frequency": "1M", "date_format": "%Y%m"}},
    "hdmodel": {"archive": {"frequency": "1M", "date_format": "%Y%m"}},
    "fesom": {"archive": {"frequency": "1Y", "date_format": "%Y%m"}},
    "oasis3mct": {"archive": {"frequency": "1M", "date_format": "%Y%m"}},
    "general": {"database_file": str(xdg.XDG_DATA_HOME) + "/esm_archiving.db"},

[docs]def load_config(): """ Loads the configuration from one of the default configuration directories. If none can be found, returns the hard-coded default configuration. Returns ------- dict A representation of the configuration used for archiving. """ for loc in config_dirs: read_config_fname = CONFIG_FNAME try: with open(os.path.join(loc, read_config_fname)) as source: config = yaml.load(source, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return config except IOError: pass return DEFAULT_CONFIG
[docs]def write_config_yaml(path=None): if not path: path = xdg.XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.split(":")[0] + "/esm_archiving" logging.debug("Opening %s for writing..." % os.path.join(path, CONFIG_FNAME)) with open(os.path.join(path, CONFIG_FNAME), "w") as config_file: logging.debug("...dumping...") yaml.dump(DEFAULT_CONFIG, config_file) logging.debug("...done!")