Source code for esm_environment.esm_environment

#!/usr/bin/env python
Main module for EsmEnvironment.

import copy
import os
import warnings

import esm_parser
from esm_rcfile import FUNCTION_PATH

########################### class "environment_infos" ################################

[docs]class EnvironmentInfos: def __init__(self, run_or_compile, complete_config=None, model=None): # Ensure local copy of complete config to avoid mutating it... (facepalm) complete_config = copy.deepcopy(complete_config) if complete_config and "computer" in complete_config: self.config = complete_config["computer"] else: self.machine_file = esm_parser.determine_computer_from_hostname() self.config = esm_parser.yaml_file_to_dict(self.machine_file) esm_parser.basic_choose_blocks(self.config, self.config) esm_parser.recursive_run_function( [], self.config, "atomic", esm_parser.find_variable, self.config, [], True, ) # PG: Why? for entry in ["add_module_actions", "add_export_vars"]: if entry in self.config: del self.config[entry] if model: self.apply_config_changes(run_or_compile, complete_config, model) else: for model in complete_config: self.apply_config_changes(run_or_compile, complete_config, model) self.add_esm_var() self.commands = self.get_shell_commands()
[docs] def add_esm_var(self): """Adds the ENVIRONMENT_SET_BY_ESMTOOLS=TRUE to the config, for later dumping to the shell script.""" if "export_vars" in self.config: self.config["export_vars"] += ["ENVIRONMENT_SET_BY_ESMTOOLS=TRUE"] else: self.config["export_vars"] = ["ENVIRONMENT_SET_BY_ESMTOOLS=TRUE"]
[docs] def apply_config_changes(self, run_or_compile, config, model): self.apply_model_changes( model, run_or_compile=run_or_compile, modelconfig=config[model] )
[docs] def apply_model_changes(self, model, run_or_compile="runtime", modelconfig=None): try: if not modelconfig: print("Should not happen anymore...") modelconfig = esm_parser.yaml_file_to_dict( FUNCTION_PATH + "/" + model + "/" + model ) thesechanges = run_or_compile + "_environment_changes" if thesechanges in modelconfig: if "environment_changes" in modelconfig: modelconfig["environment_changes"].update(modelconfig[thesechanges]) else: modelconfig["environment_changes"] = modelconfig[thesechanges] if "environment_changes" in modelconfig: for entry in ["add_module_actions", "add_export_vars"]: if not entry in self.config: self.config[entry] = [] if entry in modelconfig["environment_changes"]: if isinstance(modelconfig["environment_changes"][entry], list): self.config[entry] += modelconfig["environment_changes"][ entry ] else: self.config[entry] += [ modelconfig["environment_changes"][entry] ] del modelconfig["environment_changes"][entry] self.config.update(modelconfig["environment_changes"]) all_keys = self.config.keys() for key in all_keys: if "choose_computer." in key: newkey = key.replace("computer.", "") self.config[newkey] = self.config[key] del self.config[key] esm_parser.basic_choose_blocks(self.config, self.config) for entry in ["add_module_actions", "add_export_vars"]: if entry in self.config: del self.config[entry] except: pass
[docs] def replace_model_dir(self, model_dir): """ Replaces any instances of ${model_dir} in the config section "export_vars" with the argument Parameters ---------- model_dir : str The replacement string for ${model_dir} """ for entry in ["export_vars"]: if entry in self.config: newlist = [] for line in self.config[entry]: newline = line.replace("${model_dir}", model_dir) newlist.append(newline) self.config[entry] = newlist
[docs] def get_shell_commands(self): """ Gathers module actions and export variables from the config to a list, prepending appropriate shell command words (e.g. module and export) Returns ------- list """ environment = [] if "module_actions" in self.config: for action in self.config["module_actions"]: # seb-wahl: workaround to allow source ... to be added to the batch header # until a proper solution is available. Required with FOCI if action.startswith("source"): environment.append(action) else: environment.append("module " + action) # Add an empty string as a newline: environment.append("") if "export_vars" in self.config: for var in self.config["export_vars"]: if isinstance(var, dict): key = list(var.keys())[0] value = var[key] environment.append("export " + key + "='" + str(value) + "'") else: environment.append("export " + str(var)) return environment
[docs] def write_dummy_script(self, include_set_e=True): """ Writes a dummy script containing only the header information, module commands, and export variables. The actual compile/configure commands are added later. Parameters ---------- include_set_e : bool Default to True, whether or not to include a ``set -e`` at the beginning of the script. This causes the shell to stop as soon as an error is encountered. """ with open("", "w") as script_file: script_file.write( "# Dummy script generated by esm-tools, to be removed later: \n" ) if include_set_e: script_file.write("set -e\n") for command in self.commands: script_file.write(command + "\n") script_file.write("\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def cleanup_dummy_script(): """Removes the ```` if it exists.""" try: os.remove("") except OSError: print("No file there; nothing to do...")
[docs] @staticmethod def add_commands(commands, name): """ Writes all commands in a list to a file named ``<name>``, located in the current working directory. The header from this script is read from ````, also in the current working directory. Parameters ---------- commands : list of str List of the commands to write to the file after the header name : str Name of the script, generally something like ``comp_echam-6.3.05`` Returns ------- str : ``name`` + "" """ if commands: with open(name + "", "w") as newfile: with open("", "r") as dummy_file: newfile.write( for command in commands: newfile.write(command + "\n") return name + ""
[docs] def output(self): esm_parser.pprint_config(self.config)
[docs]class environment_infos(EnvironmentInfos): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "Please change your code to use EnvironmentInfos!", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) super(environment_infos, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)