Source code for esm_master.general_stuff

import esm_rcfile
import esm_parser
import os
import sys

from .cli import verbose

##################################### globals ########################################

FUNCTION_PATH = esm_rcfile.get_rc_entry("FUNCTION_PATH", default="/dev/null")
ESM_MASTER_DIR = os.getenv("PWD")

# PG: COMPONENTS_YAML is now built out of multiple small ones
#COMPONENTS_YAML = FUNCTION_PATH + "/esm_master/setups2models.yaml"
CONFIG_YAML = FUNCTION_PATH + "/esm_software/esm_master/esm_master.yaml"
VCS_FOLDER = FUNCTION_PATH + "/other_software/vcs/"

OVERALL_CONF_FILE = esm_rcfile.rcfile

ESM_MASTER_PICKLE = ESM_SOFTWARE_DIR + "/esm_master/esm_master.pkl"

##################################### tab completion #################################

[docs]def tab_completion(parsed_args, setups2models): if parsed_args["list_all_targets"]: all_commands = [] for package in setups2models.all_packages: for command in package.command_list: all_commands.append(command + "-" + package.raw_name) print("\n".join(all_commands)) sys.exit() if parsed_args["generate_tab_complete"]: with open("esm_master_tabcomplete.bash", "w") as tab_comp: tab_comp.write("#/usr/bin/env bash\n") tab_comp.write("_esm_master_completions() {\n") tab_comp.write( '\tCOMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(esm_master --list_all_targets)" "${COMP_WORDS[1]}"))' ) tab_comp.write("\n}\n\ncomplete -F _esm_master_completions esm_master\n") print("Wrote file: esm_master_tabcomplete.bash") print( "Have your shell source this file to allow tab completion of available targets" ) print("This works for both bash and zsh") return 0
###################################################################################### ############################## Write a tiny user script ############################## ######################################################################################
[docs]def write_minimal_user_config(config): """ In order to generate a SimulationSetup using esm_parser, we need a small and simple user_config. It doesn't really matter for esm_master if all the entries are correct, as we don't need most of them, but the esm_parser fails if they don't exist as all... Needs the name of the model / setup, and version (if exists) as input. """ user_config = {} for model in config["components"]: version = config["components"][model]["version"] model_dir = config["components"][model]["model_dir"] user_config.update( {model: {"model": model, "version": version, "model_dir": model_dir}} ) if "setups" in config: coupled = "true" setup = list(config["setups"])[0] version = config["setups"][setup]["version"] model_dir = config["setups"][setup]["model_dir"] else: coupled = "false" setup = list(config["components"])[0] version = config["components"][setup]["version"] user_config.update( { "general": { "jobtype": "compute", "account": "none", "setup_name": setup, "version": version, "coupled": "false", "initial_date": "2000-01-01", "final_date": "2000-01-02", "compute_time": "00:00:01", "model_dir": model_dir, "base_dir": "/on/a/road/to/nowwhere", } } ) return user_config
###################################################################################### ############################## class "general_infos" ################################# ######################################################################################
[docs]class GeneralInfos: def __init__(self): self.config = esm_parser.yaml_file_to_dict(CONFIG_YAML) self.emc = self.read_and_update_conf_files() self.meta_todos, self.meta_command_order = self.get_meta_command() self.display_kinds = self.get_display_kinds() if verbose > 1: self.output()
[docs] def read_and_update_conf_files(self): complete = True emc = {} for conffile in [OVERALL_CONF_FILE]: if os.path.isfile(conffile): with open(conffile) as myfile: for line in myfile: # PG: Could be simpler: just line.split("=") name, var = line.partition("=")[::2] emc[name.strip()] = var.strip() if "basic_infos" in self.config.keys(): for basic_info in self.config["basic_infos"]: question = self.config["basic_infos"][basic_info]["question"] default = self.config["basic_infos"][basic_info]["default"] if not basic_info in emc.keys(): if complete: print("The configuration files are incomplete or non-existent.") print( "Please answer the following questions to configure esm-tools:" ) print("(Hit enter to accept default values.)") complete = False user_input = input(question + " (default = " + default + "): ") if user_input.strip() == "": user_input = default emc.update({basic_info.strip(): user_input.strip()}) if not complete: with open(OVERALL_CONF_FILE, "w") as new_conf_file: for oldentry in emc.keys(): new_conf_file.write(oldentry + "=" + emc[oldentry] + "\n") return emc
[docs] def get_meta_command(self): """ Gets ``meta_todos`` and ``meta_command_order``, which are a combination of other tasks. e.g. "install" does get, conf, and comp. Returns ------- Tuple of List, Dict The list contains all meta_todos, the dict contains the todo as the key, and the steps as the value. """ meta_todos = [] meta_command_order = {} for entry in self.config: if entry.endswith("_meta_command"): todo = entry.replace("_meta_command", "") meta_todos.append(todo) meta_command_order.update({todo: self.config[entry]}) return meta_todos, meta_command_order
[docs] def get_display_kinds(self): if "display_kinds" in self.config.keys(): return self.config["display_kinds"]
[docs] def output(self): print() for key in self.emc: print(key + ": " + str(self.emc[key])) print("Meta commands: ") for key in self.meta_command_order: print(" " + key + ": " + str(self.meta_command_order[key]))
###################################################################################### ########################### class "version_control_infos" ############################ ######################################################################################
[docs]class version_control_infos: def __init__(self): self.config = {} vcs_files = [f for f in os.listdir(VCS_FOLDER)] self.known_repos = [] for vcs_file in vcs_files: if os.path.isfile(VCS_FOLDER + "/" + vcs_file): repo_type = vcs_file.replace(".yaml", "") self.config.update( { repo_type: esm_parser.yaml_file_to_dict( VCS_FOLDER + "/" + vcs_file ) } ) self.known_repos.append(repo_type) self.known_todos = [] for repo in self.known_repos: for entry in self.config[repo].keys(): if entry.endswith("_command"): todo = entry.replace("_command", "") if todo not in self.known_todos: self.known_todos.append(todo) if verbose > 1: self.output()
[docs] def assemble_command(self, package, todo, setup_info, general): if package.repo_type and package.repo: if todo in setup_info.meta_todos: return None try: raw_command = self.config[package.repo_type][todo + "_command"] if package.branch: define_branch = self.config[package.repo_type]["define_branch"] raw_command = raw_command.replace("${define_branch}", define_branch) raw_command = raw_command.replace("${branch}", package.branch) else: raw_command = raw_command.replace("${define_branch} ", "") raw_command = raw_command.replace("${branch}", "") if package.tag: define_tag = self.config[package.repo_type]["define_tag"] raw_command.replace("${define_tag}", define_tag) raw_command.replace("${tag}", package.tag) else: raw_command = raw_command.replace("${define_tag} ", "") raw_command = raw_command.replace("${tag}", "") except: print("Sorry, no " + todo + "_command defined for " + package.repo_type) sys.exit(42) if type(package.repo) == list: repo = package.repo[0] else: repo = package.repo if "" in repo: repo = ( "https://" + general.emc["GITLAB_DKRZ_USER_NAME"] + "@" + repo.replace("https://", "") ) raw_command = raw_command.replace("${repository}", repo) if todo == "get": if package.destination: raw_command = raw_command + " " + package.destination else: raw_command = raw_command + " " + package.raw_name else: raw_command = None return raw_command
[docs] def output(self): print() esm_parser.pprint_config(self.config) print("Known repos: " + str(self.known_repos)) print("Known vcs-commands: " + str(self.known_todos))