Source code for esm_runscripts.jobclass

import copy
import glob
import logging
import os
import pdb
import shutil
import sys
from datetime import datetime

import esm_rcfile
import six
import tqdm

import esm_plugin_manager

[docs]class jobclass: relevant_files = [] filetype_specific_dict = {} def __init__(self, job_type, recipe_steps=None): self.recipefile = esm_rcfile.FUNCTION_PATH + "/esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_runscripts.yaml" self.pluginsfile = esm_rcfile.FUNCTION_PATH + "/esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_plugins.yaml" self.framework_recipe = esm_plugin_manager.read_recipe(self.recipefile, {"job_type": job_type}) if recipe_steps: self.framework_recipe["recipe"] = recipe_steps self.framework_plugins = esm_plugin_manager.read_plugin_information(self.pluginsfile, self.framework_recipe) esm_plugin_manager.check_plugin_availability(self.framework_plugins)
[docs] def evaluate(self, config): config = esm_plugin_manager.work_through_recipe(self.framework_recipe, self.framework_plugins, config) return config
######################################################################################### # general stuff # #########################################################################################
[docs] def assemble_file_lists(self, config, filetypes): all_files_to_copy = [] six.print_("\n" "- Generating file lists for this run...") for model in config["general"]["valid_model_names"]: six.print_("-" * 80) six.print_("* %s" % config[model]["model"], "\n") all_component_files, filetype_specific_dict = ( self.really_assemble_file_list(config, model, filetypes) ) self.filetype_specific_dict[model] = filetype_specific_dict all_files_to_copy += all_component_files return all_files_to_copy
[docs] @staticmethod def print_used_files(config): self = config["general"]["jobclass"] for model in self.filetype_specific_dict: with open( config[model]["thisrun_config_dir"] + "/" + config["general"]["expid"] + "_filelist_" + config["general"]["run_datestamp"], "w", ) as flist: flist.write( "These files are used for \nexperiment %s\ncomponent %s\ndate %s" % ( config["general"]["expid"], config[model]["model"], config["general"]["run_datestamp"], ) ) flist.write("\n") flist.write(80 * "-") for filetype in self.filetype_specific_dict[model]: flist.write("\n" + filetype.upper() + ":\n") for source, exp_tree, exp_name, work_dir_name, subfolder in self.filetype_specific_dict[model][filetype]: flist.write("\nSource: " + source) flist.write("\nExp Tree: " + exp_tree + subfolder + exp_name) flist.write("\nWork Dir: " + subfolder + work_dir_name) flist.write("\n") print ("- " + subfolder + work_dir_name +": " + source) flist.write("\n") flist.write(80 * "-")
[docs] def really_assemble_file_list(self, config, model, filetypes): modelconfig = config[model] general_config = config["general"] #print (model) #import esm_parser #esm_parser.pprint_config(modelconfig) #sys.exit(0) all_files_to_process = [] filetype_files_for_list = {} for filetype in filetypes: filetype_files = [] if filetype == "restart_in" and not modelconfig["lresume"]: six.print_("- restart files do not make sense for a cold start, skipping...") continue if filetype + "_sources" not in modelconfig: continue ####### start globbing here inverted_dict = {} if filetype + "_files" in modelconfig: for k, v in six.iteritems(modelconfig[filetype + "_files"]): inverted_dict[v] = k sources_dict = copy.deepcopy(modelconfig[filetype + "_sources"]) for file_descriptor, file_source in six.iteritems( sources_dict ): if "*" in file_source: #esm_parser.pprint_config(self.config) # restart_out* and outdata* entries in yaml files are provided without their path # as the path generated automagically. We need to add the path here so files can # be found with glob.glob(file_source) if filetype == "restart_in" and not file_source.startswith("/"): # don't use basename on restart_in as restarts can be in subfolders, # relative to parent_restart_dir, example: oifs.yaml file_source = modelconfig["parent_restart_dir"] + "/" + file_source elif filetype == "restart_out" or filetype == "outdata" or filetype == 'log': file_source = modelconfig["thisrun_work_dir"] + "/" + os.path.basename(file_source) if glob.glob(file_source): file_category = None subfolder = None if filetype + "_files" in modelconfig: if file_descriptor in modelconfig[filetype + "_files"]: file_category = inverted_dict[file_descriptor] if filetype + "_in_work" in modelconfig: if file_descriptor in modelconfig[filetype + "_in_work"]: subfolder = modelconfig[filetype + "_in_work"][file_descriptor].replace("*", "") if not subfolder.endswith("/"): subfolder = subfolder + "/" all_file_sources = glob.glob(file_source) running_index = 0 # loop through files found with glob.glob(file_source) and add # each of them to config dict with and index added to the file descriptor for new_source in all_file_sources: running_index += 1 new_descriptor = file_descriptor + "_" + str(running_index) modelconfig[filetype + "_sources"][new_descriptor] = new_source if file_category: new_category = file_category + "_" + str(running_index) modelconfig[filetype + "_files"][new_category] = new_descriptor if subfolder: new_in_work = subfolder + new_source.rsplit("/", 1)[-1] modelconfig[filetype + "_in_work"][new_descriptor] = new_in_work del modelconfig[filetype + "_sources"][file_descriptor] if file_category: del modelconfig[filetype + "_files"][file_category] if subfolder: del modelconfig[filetype + "_in_work"][file_descriptor] else: print(" globbing failed for FILE SOURCE: ",file_source) ######## end globbing stuff filedir_intermediate = modelconfig["thisrun_" + filetype + "_dir"] for file_descriptor, file_source in six.iteritems( modelconfig[filetype + "_sources"] ): if filetype == "restart_in" and not file_source.startswith("/"): # don't use basename on restart_in as restarts can be in subfolders, # relative to parent_restart_dir, example: oifs.yaml file_source = modelconfig["parent_restart_dir"] + "/" + file_source logging.debug( "file_descriptor=%s, file_source=%s", file_descriptor, file_source ) if filetype + "_files" in modelconfig: if file_descriptor not in modelconfig[filetype + "_files"].values(): continue else: inverted_dict = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(modelconfig[filetype + "_files"]): inverted_dict[v] = k file_category = inverted_dict[file_descriptor] else: file_category = file_descriptor logging.debug(type(file_source)) # should be generalized to all sorts of dates on day all_years = [general_config["current_date"].year] if ( filetype + "_additional_information" in modelconfig and file_category in modelconfig[filetype + "_additional_information"] ): if ( "need_timestep_before" in modelconfig[filetype + "_additional_information"][file_category] ): all_years.append(general_config["prev_date"].year) if ( "need_timestep_after" in modelconfig[filetype + "_additional_information"][file_category] ): all_years.append(general_config["next_date"].year) if ( "need_year_before" in modelconfig[filetype + "_additional_information"][file_category] ): all_years.append(general_config["current_date"].year - 1) if ( "need_year_after" in modelconfig[filetype + "_additional_information"][file_category] ): all_years.append(general_config["current_date"].year + 1 ) all_years = list(dict.fromkeys(all_years)) # removes duplicates if ( filetype + "_in_work" in modelconfig and file_category in modelconfig[filetype + "_in_work"].keys() ): target_name = modelconfig[filetype + "_in_work"][file_category] else: target_name = os.path.basename(file_source) for year in all_years: this_target_name=target_name.replace("@YEAR@", str(year)) # deniz: fix the bug due to @YEAR@ substitution. This fix # also performs the substitution on the dictionary keys. if isinstance(file_source, dict): file_source_new = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(file_source): key_new = key.replace("@YEAR@", str(year)) file_source_new[key_new] = value del file_source file_source = copy.deepcopy(file_source_new) # deniz: end fix source_name=self.find_correct_source(file_source, year) file_target = ( filedir_intermediate + "/" + this_target_name ) if "/" in this_target_name: subfolder = this_target_name.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/" else: subfolder = "" filetype_files.append( ( source_name, filedir_intermediate, os.path.basename(source_name), this_target_name.rsplit("/", 1)[-1], subfolder ) ) filetype_files_for_list[filetype] = filetype_files all_files_to_process += filetype_files return all_files_to_process, filetype_files_for_list
[docs] def find_correct_source(self, file_source, year): if isinstance(file_source, dict): logging.debug( "Checking which file to use for this year: %s", year, ) for fname, valid_years in six.iteritems(file_source): logging.debug("Checking %s", fname) min_year = float(valid_years.get("from", "-inf")) max_year = float(valid_years.get("to", "inf")) logging.debug("Valid from: %s", min_year) logging.debug("Valid to: %s", max_year) logging.debug( "%s <= %s --> %s", min_year, year, min_year <= year, ) logging.debug( "%s <= %s --> %s", year, max_year, year <= max_year, ) if ( min_year <= year and year <= max_year ): return fname else: continue return file_source
[docs] @staticmethod def end_it_all(config, silent=False): if config["general"]["profile"]: for line in timing_info: print(line) if not silent: print("Exiting entire Python process!") sys.exit()
[docs] @staticmethod def write_to_log(config, message, message_sep=None): """ Puts a message into the experiment log file Parameters ---------- message : list A list of the message elements; which is joined by either (highest to lowest): 1) the message_sep argument passed to the method, 2) The user's chosen seperator, as written in ``self.config["general"]["experiment_log_file_message_sep"]``, 3) An empty space ``" "``. message_sep : None The hard-coded message seperator to use; which ignores user choices. Note ---- The user can control two things regarding the logfile format: 1) The datestamp formatting, whjich is taken from the config section ``general.experiment_log_file_dateformat``. 2) The message seperators; taken from ``general.experiment_log_file_message_sep``. Note that if the programmer passes a ``message_sep`` argument; this one wins over the user choice. """ try: with open(config["general"]["experiment_log_file"], "a+") as logfile: line = jobclass.assemble_log_message(config, message, message_sep) logfile.write(line + "\n") except KeyError: print("Sorry; couldn't find 'experiment_log_file' in config['general']...") esm_parser.pprint_config(self.config["general"]) raise
[docs] @staticmethod def assemble_log_message(config, message, message_sep=None, timestampStr_from_Unix=False): """Assembles message for log file. See doc for write_to_log""" message = [str(i) for i in message] dateTimeObj = strftime_str = config["general"].get("experiment_log_file_dateformat", "%c") if message_sep is None: message_sep = config["general"].get("experiment_log_file_message_sep", " ") if timestampStr_from_Unix: timestampStr = "$(date +"+strftime_str+")" else: timestampStr = dateTimeObj.strftime(strftime_str) # TODO: Do we want to be able to specify a timestamp seperator as well? line = timestampStr + " : " + message_sep.join(message) return line
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_files_from_work_to_thisrun(config, target = "thisrun", source = "work"): # idea is to unify all the copy routines by giving a parameter that tells from where to where stuff is to be copied # source = "init", "thisrun", "work" # target = "thisrun", "work", "experiment" six.print_("=" * 80, "\n") six.print_("COPYING STUFF FROM " + source.upper() + " TO " + target.upper() + " FOLDERS") successful_files = [] missing_files = {} # TODO: Check if we are on login node or elsewhere for the progress # bar, it doesn't make sense on the compute nodes: relevant_filetypes = config["general"]["all_model_filetypes"] if target == "work" or source == "init": relevant_filetypes = config["general"]["in_filetypes"] else: relevant_filetypes = config["general"]["out_filetypes"] for filetype in relevant_filetypes: for model in config["general"]["valid_model_names"] + ["general"]: if filetype + "_sources" in config[model] and not filetype == "ignore": for categ in config[model][filetype + "_sources"]: file_source = config[model][filetype + "_sources"][categ] if target == "thisrun": file_target = config[model][filetype + "_intermediate"][categ] else: file_target = config[model][filetype + "_targets"][categ] dest_dir = file_target.rsplit("/", 1)[0] try: if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) shutil.copy2(file_source, file_target) print ("Copying " + file_source) print (" ---> " + file_target) successful_files.append(file_source) except IOError: missing_files.update({file_target: file_source}) if missing_files: if not "files_missing_when_preparing_run" in config["general"]: config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"] = {} six.print_("--- WARNING: These files were missing:") for missing_file in missing_files: print( " - " + missing_file + ": " + missing_files[missing_file]) config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"].update(missing_files) return config
[docs] @staticmethod def copy_files(config, flist, source, target): self = config["general"]["jobclass"] # idea is to unify all the copy routines by giving a parameter that tells from where to where stuff is to be copied # source = "init", "thisrun", "work" # target = "thisrun", "work", "experiment" successful_files = [] missing_files = {} # TODO: Check if we are on login node or elsewhere for the progress # bar, it doesn't make sense on the compute nodes: for ftuple in tqdm.tqdm( flist, bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]", ): logging.debug(ftuple) (file_init, filedir_intermediate, filename_intermediate, filename_work, subfolder) = ftuple if source == "init": file_source = file_init elif source == "thisrun": file_source = filedir_intermediate + "/" + subfolder + filename_work if target == "thisrun": file_target = filedir_intermediate + "/" + subfolder + filename_work dest_dir = filedir_intermediate + "/" + subfolder elif target == "work": file_target = config["general"]["thisrun_work_dir"] + "/" + subfolder + filename_work dest_dir = config["general"]["thisrun_work_dir"] + "/" + subfolder if not os.path.isdir(file_source): try: if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): os.mkdir(dest_dir) shutil.copy2(file_source, file_target) successful_files.append(file_source) except IOError: missing_files.update({file_target: file_source}) if missing_files: if not "files_missing_when_preparing_run" in config["general"]: config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"] = {} six.print_("--- WARNING: These files were missing:") for missing_file in missing_files: print( " - " + missing_file + ": " + missing_files[missing_file]) config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"].update(missing_files) return config
[docs] @staticmethod def report_missing_files(config): if "files_missing_when_preparing_run" in config["general"]: if not config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"] == {}: print () print ("========================================================") print ("MISSING FILES:") for missing_file in config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"]: print ("-- " + missing_file +": ") print (" --> " + config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"][missing_file] ) if not config["general"]["files_missing_when_preparing_run"] == {}: print ("========================================================") return config