Source code for esm_runscripts.virtual_env_builder

import datetime
import os
import site

import questionary

import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
import venv

esm_tools_modules = [

[docs]def get_base_prefix_compat(): """Get base/real prefix, or sys.prefix if there is none.""" return getattr(sys, "base_prefix", None) or getattr(sys, "real_prefix", None) or sys.prefix
[docs]def in_virtualenv(): return get_base_prefix_compat() != sys.prefix
class _EnvBuilder(venv.EnvBuilder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.context = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def post_setup(self, context): self.context = context def _venv_create(venv_path): venv_builder = _EnvBuilder(with_pip=True) venv_builder.create(venv_path) return venv_builder.context def _run_python_in_venv(venv_context, command): command = [venv_context.env_exe] + command return subprocess.check_call(command) def _run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, command): command[0] = str(pathlib.Path(venv_context.bin_path).joinpath(command[0])) return subprocess.check_call(command) def _source_and_run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, command, shell): source_command = " ".join(["source", venv_context.bin_path+"/activate", "&&", " "]) command = source_command + command return subprocess.check_call(command, shell=shell) def _install_tools(venv_context, config): #_run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, ['pip', 'install', 'git+']) for tool in esm_tools_modules: url = f"{tool}" user_wants_editable = config["general"].get(f"install_{tool}_editable", False) user_wants_branch = config["general"].get(f"install_{tool}_branch") if user_wants_editable: # Make sure the directory exists: src_dir = pathlib.Path(config['general']['experiment_dir'] + f"/src/esm-tools/{tool}") src_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if user_wants_branch: branch_command = f" -b {user_wants_branch} " else: branch_command = "" subprocess.check_call(f"git clone --quiet {branch_command} {url} {src_dir}", shell=True) _run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, ["pip", "install", "-q", f"--find-links={os.environ.get('HOME')}/.cache/pip/wheels", "-e", src_dir]) _run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, ["pip", "wheel", "-q", f"--wheel-dir={os.environ.get('HOME')}/.cache/pip/wheels", src_dir]) else: url = f"git+{url}" if user_wants_branch: url += f"@{user_wants_branch}" # NOTE(PG): We need the -U flag to ensure the branch is actually installed. _run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, ["pip", "install", '-q', f"--find-links={os.environ.get('HOME')}/.cache/pip/wheels", "-U", url]) _run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, ["pip", "wheel", '-q', f"--wheel-dir={os.environ.get('HOME')}/.cache/pip/wheels", url]) def _install_required_plugins(venv_context, config): required_plugins = [] for sub_cfg_key, sub_cfg in config.items(): if isinstance(sub_cfg, dict): if "required_plugins" in sub_cfg: try: assert isinstance(sub_cfg["required_plugins"], list) except AssertionError: print(f"ERROR -- required plugins in {sub_cfg_key} must be a list!") sys.exit(1) required_plugins += sub_cfg["required_plugins"] for required_plugin in required_plugins: _run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, ["pip", "install", '-q', required_plugin])
[docs]def venv_bootstrap(config): """Bootstraps your run into a virtual environment""" if not config["general"].get("use_venv"): if config["general"].get("use_venv") is None and config["general"]["command_line_config"]["use_venv"] is None: config = _integorate_user_venv(config) config["general"]["command_line_config"]["use_venv"] = config["general"]["use_venv"] if config["general"].get("use_venv", False): if not in_virtualenv(): venv_path = pathlib.Path(config['general']['experiment_dir']).joinpath('.venv_esmtools') if venv_path.exists(): print(f"{venv_path} already exists, reusing...") venv_context = _EnvBuilder(with_pip=True).ensure_directories(venv_path) else: print(f"Building virtual env, please be patient (this takes about 3 minutes)...") start_time = venv_path = pathlib.Path(config['general']['experiment_dir']).joinpath('.venv_esmtools') venv_context = _venv_create(venv_path) _run_python_in_venv(venv_context, ['-m', 'pip', '-q', 'install', '-U', 'pip']) _run_python_in_venv(venv_context, ['-m', 'pip', '-q', 'install', '-U', 'wheel']) _install_tools(venv_context, config) _install_required_plugins(venv_context, config) print(f"...finished { - start_time}, restarting your job in the virtual env") sys.argv[0] = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).name # NOTE(PG): This next line allows the job to restart itself in the # virtual environment. _source_and_run_bin_in_venv(venv_context, " ".join(sys.argv)+ " --contained-run", shell=True) sys.exit(0) if not config["general"].get("use_venv"): if "--open-run" not in config["general"]["original_command"]: config["general"]["original_command"] += " --open-run" if "--open-run" not in config["general"]["command_line_config"]["original_command"]: config["general"]["command_line_config"]["original_command"] += " --open_run" return config
[docs]def find_package(pkg): pool_root = os.path.abspath(site.getsitepackages()[0]+f"/{pkg}") if not os.path.exists(pool_root): # Check if an egg link exists: if os.path.isfile(site.getusersitepackages()+f"/{pkg}.egg-link"): with open(site.getusersitepackages()+f"/{pkg}.egg-link") as egg_file: egg_contents = egg_file.readlines()[0].strip() pool_root = egg_contents+f"/{pkg}" else: pool_root = os.path.abspath(site.getusersitepackages()+f"{pkg}") return pool_root
def _integorate_user_venv(config): questionary.print("\t"+100*"=") questionary.print("\t\tRunning jobs can optionally be encapsulated into a virtual environment\n") questionary.print("\t\tThis shields the run from changes made to the remainder of the ESM-Tool installation\n") questionary.print("\t\tBefore the first run, a local copy will be installed in the experiment tree,") questionary.print("\t\tand **this** installation will be used:") questionary.print(f"\t\t\t {config['general']['experiment_dir']}/.venv_esmtools/lib/python-{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}/site-packages/esm-tools") questionary.print("\t\tinstead of:") questionary.print(f"\t\t\t{find_package('esm-tools')}\n") questionary.print("\n\t\tIf you choose to use a virtual environment, a folder named `.venv_esmtools`") questionary.print("\t\twill be created at the root of your experiment. This contains all the Python") questionary.print("\t\tlibraries used by the esm-tools. The first installation induces some overhead (~2-3 minutes).") questionary.print("\n\t\tYou may also select to install some packages in 'editable mode', in which case") questionary.print("\t\tthey will be installed in a folder `src/esm_tools/<package_name>` in the root of") questionary.print("\t\tyour experiment. Any changes made to code in that folder **will** influence how the") questionary.print("\t\tesm-tools behave.") questionary.print("\n\t\tNote regarding config yamls and namelists") questionary.print( "\t\t-----------------------------------------") questionary.print("\t\tWhen using a virtual environment, config files and namelists will come of the") questionary.print("\t\tfolder .venv_esmtools listed above and **not** from your user install directory.") questionary.print("\t\tYou should make **all** changes to the namelists and config files via your user") questionary.print("\t\trunscript. This is recommended in all cases!!!") questionary.print("\t\t --> Changing any settings in your user install ($HOME or similar) will therefore not change your run!! <--", style="fg:red") questionary.print("\n\t\tNotes from the development team:") questionary.print("\t\t--------------------------------") questionary.print("\n\t\t --> Using an encapsulated environment is recommended for production runs <--\n", style="fg:green") questionary.print("\t Happy simulating!") questionary.print("\t Dirk Barbi, Paul Gierz, Nadine Wieters, Miguel Andrés-Martínez, Deniz Ural, and the rest of the development team.") questionary.print("\t"+100*"=") user_confirmed = False while not user_confirmed: response = "What do you want to do?", choices=[ 'Run in virtualenv (You may set the flag `--contained-run` during your run call or set `general.use_venv: True`)', 'Run using default installation (You may set the flag `--open-run` during your run call or set `general.use_venv: False`)', "Quit right now to adapt your runscript", ]).ask() # returns value of selection if "Quit" in response: sys.exit(0) config['general']['use_venv'] = "Run in virtualenv" in response user_confirmed = questionary.confirm("Are you sure?").ask() if "Run in virtualenv" in response: editable_mode_choices = questionary.checkbox( "Which of the following packages do you want to install in 'editable mode'? End with <Enter>", choices=esm_tools_modules).ask() for choice in editable_mode_choices: config["general"][f"install_{choice}_editable"] = True return config if __name__ == "__main__": dummy_config = {"general": {"experiment_dir": "/foo/bar"}} config = _integorate_user_venv(dummy_config) print(config)