Source code for esm_version_checker.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Console script for esm_version_checker."""
import getpass
import importlib
import os
import pathlib
import pkg_resources
import re
import site
import subprocess
import sys

from git import Repo
from git.exc import GitCommandError
from github import Github, GithubException
import click
import esm_rcfile
from tabulate import tabulate
import shutil
import configparser
from packaging.version import parse as version_parse

[docs]class GlobalVars: """A struct-like class for holding the global variables. GlobalVars instance should only be updated by the main function and should be 'read-only' by the other functions Attributes ---------- from_github : bool top-level command-line option flag for connecting to the GitHub repo esm_tools_github_url : str repository URL of the ESM-Tools esm_tools_installed : dict each key is the specidif ESM-Tools package and value is bool """ from_github = False esm_tools_github_url = "" esm_tools_installed = {}
global_vars = GlobalVars() # this option will be provided to the main command (eg. esm_versions) and will # get passed to all subcommands (eg. check, clean, ...) _global_options_list = [click.option("--from_github", is_flag=True, help=" will retrieve information from GitHub. Default behavior is offline (local) data retrieval")]
[docs]def global_options_decorator(func): """decorator function for the global option""" for option in reversed(_global_options_list): func = option(func) return func @global_options_decorator def main(**kwargs): """Console script for esm_versions.""" # help_message = "Please use the subcommands check or update" # click.echo(help_message) # if esm_versions --from_github is provided then turn on the global # from_github flag global global_vars # turn on the from_github flag in the global settings if kwargs["from_github"] == True: global_vars.from_github = True # initialize the list of install packages as false esm_tools_modules = get_esm_packages() global_vars.esm_tools_installed = {tool: False for tool in esm_tools_modules} return 0
[docs]def get_esm_packages(): """Gets the list of the installed ESM-Tools packages either locally or from the GitHub repository Returns ------- esm_tools_modules : list list of strings where each item corresponds to a ESM-Tools package name """ global global_vars # simple static variable trick to print GitHub connection message only once if not hasattr(get_esm_packages, "only_once"): get_esm_packages.only_once = True # if --from_github is provided in the call to esm_versions # connect to GitHub and get the list of modules from there. This can # sometimes be problematic since sometimes GitHub may refuse the # connection request: # if global_vars.from_github == True: g = Github() try: if get_esm_packages.only_once: print("Connecting to GitHub") get_esm_packages.only_once = False # turn off the static flag repos = g.get_organization("esm-tools").get_repos() esm_tools_modules = [repo.full_name.replace("esm-tools/", "") for repo in repos] except: print ("ERROR: No repos found or request to GitHub got rejected.") sys.exit(1) # retrieve the package list from the locally installed modules else: installed_packages = list(pkg_resources.working_set) esm_tools_modules = [lib.key for lib in installed_packages if lib.key.startswith('esm-')] # project names have hyphen but the module names have underscore esm_tools_modules = [mod.replace('-', '_') for mod in esm_tools_modules] esm_tools_modules.sort() return esm_tools_modules
[docs]def get_esm_package_attributes(tool): """Gets the attributes of the ESM-Tools package Parameters ---------- tool : str name of the ESM-Tools package Returns ------- attr_dict : dict dictionary of attributes. """ # initialize the package table information version = "" file_path = "" branch = "" describe = "" # try to get the package information try: distribution = pkg_resources.get_distribution(tool) file_path = distribution.module_path # deniz: version numbers from PKG_INFO and setup.cfg might differ # Usually setup.cfg is more up to date since it is updated by bumpversion v1 = distribution.version # version from PKG_INFO v2 = '0.0.0' except pkg_resources.ResolutionError: print(f"Error: something is wrong with the package {tool}") # message = f"{tool} : unknown version!" if dist_is_editable(tool): repo_path = editable_dist_location(tool) repo = Repo(repo_path) try: describe = repo.git.describe(tags=True, dirty=True) except GitCommandError: describe = "Error" if not repo.head.is_detached: branch = else: sha = repo.head.commit.name_rev[:7] branch = f"DETACHED at {sha}" # message += f" (development install, on branch: {}, describe={describe})" config = configparser.ConfigParser(), 'setup.cfg')) v2 = config['bumpversion']['current_version'] # Greater version number will be taken version = max(version_parse(v1), version_parse(v2)) attr_dict = {'version' : version, 'file_path' : file_path, 'branch' : branch, 'describe' : describe} return attr_dict
[docs]def user_owns(binary): """True or False if user owns binary""" owner = pathlib.Path(binary).owner() return owner == getpass.getuser()
@main.command() @global_options_decorator def clean(**kwargs): """Removes (with force) the whole ESM-Tools system.""" print("You're pushing the red button. Duck and cover!") print("----------------------------------------------") esm_tools_modules = get_esm_packages() remove_list = [] for package in os.listdir(site.getusersitepackages()): for tool_name in esm_tools_modules: if tool_name in package or tool_name.replace("_", "-") in package: remove_list.append(os.path.join(site.getusersitepackages(), package)) print("Will remove the following") print(" Python packages:") for package in remove_list: print(f" {package}") print(" Binary programs:") for path_part in os.environ.get("PATH").split(":"): if os.path.exists(path_part): for binary in os.listdir(path_part): binary_path = os.path.join(path_part, binary) if binary.startswith("esm_") and user_owns(binary_path): remove_list.append(binary_path) print(f" {binary_path}") if click.confirm("Do you want to continue?"): for esm_thing in remove_list: print(f"* Removing {esm_thing}")["rm", "-rf", esm_thing]) @main.command() @global_options_decorator @click.option("--package", "package", default=None, help="get information about this package only") def check(**kwargs): """Prints the ESM-Tools package information. Either the specified package (--package <package>) or all available packages installed in the system are retrieved. When --from_github option is provided to esm_versions (esm_versions --from_github check ...) it will get the package list from GitHub (online), otherwise it will be done locally (offline) Results will be printed as a table or line-by-line if the terminal width is small """ # 2D list that contains the information table headers = ['package_name', 'version', 'file', 'branch', 'tags'] table = [] global global_vars esm_tools_modules = get_esm_packages() # --package is passed on the command-line, we are dealing with a single package if kwargs["package"] is not None: package = kwargs["package"] if package not in esm_tools_modules: print(f"ERROR: {package} is not found in the installed packages") sys.exit(1) else: esm_tools_modules = [package] attr_dict_all = {} # attributes for all tools for tool in esm_tools_modules: # get the package attributes attr_dict = get_esm_package_attributes(tool) attr_dict_all[tool] = attr_dict keys = ['version', 'file_path', 'branch', 'describe'] version, file_path, branch, describe = [attr_dict.get(k) for k in keys] # append the current line of information to the table table.append([tool, version, file_path, branch, describe]) # === # print the results # === terminal_width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # if only a single package is selected then print without a table if kwargs["package"] is not None: report_single_package(tool, version, file_path, branch, describe) # we are on a small terminal. Thus report package by package elif terminal_width < 150: for tool in esm_tools_modules: # report_single_package(tool, version, file_path, branch, describe) report_single_package(tool, attr_dict_all[tool]['version'], attr_dict_all[tool]['file_path'], attr_dict_all[tool]['branch'], attr_dict_all[tool]['describe']) print() # print the full table else: print(tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt='psql')) # PG: Blatant theft: #
[docs]def dist_is_editable(dist): """Is distribution an editable install?""" for path_item in sys.path: egg_link = os.path.join(path_item, dist.replace("_", "-") + ".egg-link") if os.path.isfile(egg_link): return True return False
[docs]def editable_dist_location(dist): """Determines where an editable dist is installed""" for path_item in sys.path: egg_link = os.path.join(path_item, dist.replace("_", "-") + ".egg-link") if os.path.isfile(egg_link): return open(egg_link).readlines()[0].strip() return None
[docs]def pip_install(package): url = global_vars.esm_tools_github_url subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", f"git+{url}" + package, ] )
[docs]def pip_uninstall(package): subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "uninstall", package])
[docs]def pip_upgrade(package, version=None): url = global_vars.esm_tools_github_url if not dist_is_editable(package): package_name = package if version is not None: package = package + "@" + version try: # --user causes an error in a venv (which is used e.g. in CI) # explanation: if bool(os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV")): subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", f"git+{url}" + package, ] ) else: subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--user", "--upgrade", f"git+{url}" + package, ] ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("Installation failed. Possible reasons are:") print("- You tried to pull a branch that does not exist") print( f" A list of vaild branches is available at {url}" + package_name + "/branches" ) print("- You provided an invalid version number.") print( f" A list of valid version numbers is available at {url}" + package_name + "/releases" ) else: print( " WARNING:", package, "is installed in editable mode! No upgrade performed. You may consider doing a git pull here:", ) package = importlib.import_module(package) print("/".join(package.__file__.split("/")[:-2]))
[docs]def pip_or_pull(tool, version=None): if tool == "esm_tools": print("esm_versions automatically does git operations for %s" % tool) # deniz: FUNCTION_PATH is obsolete. The solution below is more portable # FUNCTION_PATH = esm_rcfile.get_rc_entry("FUNCTION_PATH") # esm_tools_dir = os.path.dirname(FUNCTION_PATH) # esm_tools_dir will be something like /myhomedir/esm_packages/esm_tools attr_dict = get_esm_package_attributes("esm_tools") esm_tools_dir = attr_dict["file_path"] esm_tools_repo = Repo(esm_tools_dir) try: assert not esm_tools_repo.is_dirty() except AssertionError: print("Your esm_tools directory is not clean!") print( "Please make sure you check in and commit everything before proceeding!" ) raise try: assert in ["release", "develop"] remote = esm_tools_repo.remote() remote.pull() print("Pulled new version of ", tool) except AssertionError: print("Only allowed to pull on release or develop!") print("You are on a branch: %s" % print("Please pull or change branches by yourself!") raise else: pip_upgrade(tool, version)
[docs]def check_importable_tools(): global global_vars esm_tools_modules = get_esm_packages() # check each tool and turn on the global setting if the module is installed for tool in esm_tools_modules: try: importlib.import_module(tool) import_successful = True global_vars.esm_tools_installed[tool] = True except ImportError: import_successful = False
@main.command() @click.argument("tool_to_upgrade", default="all") def upgrade(tool_to_upgrade="all"): """Upgrades the whole ESM-Tools system or only the selected package. Arguments --------- tool_to_upgrade : str ESM-Tools package to upgrade. Default is 'all' which upgrades all packages """ global global_vars esm_tools_modules = get_esm_packages() if tool_to_upgrade == "esm_versions": tool_to_upgrade = "esm_version_checker" # check all modules and modify the global 'esm_tools_installed' flag check_importable_tools() if tool_to_upgrade == "all": for tool in esm_tools_modules: if global_vars.esm_tools_installed[tool]: print(f"\033[91mupgrading the tool: {tool}\033[0m") pip_or_pull(tool) print() else: # allow the syntax esm_versions updgrade <name_of_tool>=vX.Y.Z or <name_of_tool>==vX.Y.Z # to install a specific version of a tool, default is None which means that the latest version # will be installed version = None if "=" in tool_to_upgrade: if "==" in tool_to_upgrade: tool_to_upgrade, version = tool_to_upgrade.split("==") else: tool_to_upgrade, version = tool_to_upgrade.split("=") if global_vars.esm_tools_installed[tool_to_upgrade]: pip_or_pull(tool_to_upgrade, version) @main.command() @global_options_decorator @click.argument("package", nargs=1, type=str) @click.argument("attribute", nargs=1, type=str, default="all") def get(package, attribute="all", **kwargs): """Prints an attribute of a package. Arguments --------- package : str ESM-Tools package attribute : str One of the following: version, file_path, branch, describe """ esm_tools_modules = get_esm_packages() # error checks if package not in esm_tools_modules: print(f"ERROR: {package} is not found in the installed packages") sys.exit(1) attr_dict = get_esm_package_attributes(package) # error check if attribute != "all": attributes = ["version", "file_path", "branch", "describe"] if attribute not in attributes: print(f"ERROR: {attribute} is not a valid attribute. List of valid package attributes:") for attribute in attributes: print(" " + attribute) sys.exit(1) # get the package attributes print(attr_dict[attribute]) else: print(package) print("-"*len(package)) print(f"Version:\t {attr_dict['version']}") print(f"File Path:\t {attr_dict['file_path']}") print(f"Branch:\t\t {attr_dict['branch']}") print(f"Git Describe:\t {attr_dict['describe']}")
[docs]def report_single_package(package, version, file_path, branch, describe): """Nice output similar to the tree command in Linux""" tee = u"\u251C" hline = u"\u2500" elbow = u"\u2514" print(package) print(tee + hline + f" version: {version}") print(tee + hline + f" path: {file_path}") print(tee + hline + f" branch: {branch}") print(elbow + hline + f" tags: {describe}")
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # pragma: no cover