Source code for esm_runscripts.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python
A small wrapper that combines the shell interface and the Python interface

# Import from Python Standard Library
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys

from .sim_objects import *
from .helpers import SmartSink
from loguru import logger
from esm_motd import check_all_esm_packages

[docs]def parse_shargs(): """ The arg parser for interactive use """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("runscript", default=None) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", help="Print lots of debugging statements", action="store_const", dest="loglevel", const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.ERROR, ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Be verbose", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--contained-run", help="Run in a virtual environment", action="store_true", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--open-run", help="Run in default install (not in virtual environment)", action="store_true", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--expid", help="The experiment ID to use", default="test" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--check", help="Run in check mode (don't submit job to supercomputer)", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-P", "--profile", help="Write profiling information (esm-tools)", default=False, action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--modify-config", "-m", dest="modify", help="[m]odify configuration", default="", # kh 15.07.20 "usermods.yaml" ) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--last_jobtype", help="Write the jobtype this run was called from (esm-tools internal)", default="command_line", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--task", help="The task to run. Choose from: compute, post, couple, tidy_and_resubmit", default="compute", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--inspect", help="Show some information, choose a keyword from 'overview', 'namelists'", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--pid", help="The PID of the task to observe.", default=-666, ) parser.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", help="e[x]clude this step", default=None) parser.add_argument("-o", "--only", help="[o]nly do this step", default=None) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--resume-from", help="[r]esume from this step", default=None ) # PG: Might not work anymore: parser.add_argument( "-U", "--update", help="[U]date the tools from the current version", default=False, action="store_true", ) return parser.parse_args()
[docs]def main(): ARGS = parse_shargs() check = False profile = False update = False expid = "test" pid = -666 jobtype = "compute" verbose = False inspect = None use_venv = None modify_config_file = None parsed_args = vars(ARGS) original_command = "" for argument in sys.argv[1:]: original_command = original_command + argument + " " if "check" in parsed_args: check = parsed_args["check"] if "profile" in parsed_args: profile = parsed_args["profile"] if "pid" in parsed_args: pid = parsed_args["pid"] if "update" in parsed_args: update = parsed_args["update"] if "expid" in parsed_args: expid = parsed_args["expid"] if "task" in parsed_args: jobtype = parsed_args["task"] if "verbose" in parsed_args: verbose = parsed_args["verbose"] if "inspect" in parsed_args: inspect = parsed_args["inspect"] if parsed_args["contained_run"] and parsed_args["open_run"]: print("You have set both --contained-run and --open-run, this makes no sense.") print(parsed_args) sys.exit(1) if parsed_args["contained_run"] is not None: use_venv = parsed_args["contained_run"] if parsed_args["open_run"] is not None: use_venv = not parsed_args["open_run"] if "modify" in parsed_args: modify_config_file = parsed_args["modify"] command_line_config = {} command_line_config["check"] = check command_line_config["profile"] = profile command_line_config["update"] = update command_line_config["expid"] = expid command_line_config["launcher_pid"] = pid command_line_config["jobtype"] = jobtype command_line_config["scriptname"] = ARGS.runscript command_line_config["last_jobtype"] = ARGS.last_jobtype command_line_config["verbose"] = verbose command_line_config["inspect"] = inspect command_line_config["use_venv"] = use_venv if modify_config_file: command_line_config["modify_config_file"] = modify_config_file command_line_config["original_command"] = original_command.strip() command_line_config["started_from"] = os.getcwd() # Define a sink object to store the logs. Path of the logs can be later specified # by using <sink_obj>.def_path(<path>) trace_sink = SmartSink() logger.trace_sink = trace_sink logger.remove() logger.add(trace_sink.sink, level="TRACE") logger.add(sys.stdout, level="INFO", format="{message}") if verbose: logger.debug("Started from: ", command_line_config["started_from"]) logger.debug("starting : ", jobtype) Setup = SimulationSetup(command_line_config) if not Setup.config['general']['submitted']: check_all_esm_packages() Setup()