Source code for esm_runscripts.oasis

import sys

[docs]class oasis: def __init__(self, nb_of_couplings = 1, coupled_execs = ["echam", "fesom"], runtime = 1, debug_level=1, nnorest="F", mct_version="4.0", lucia=False): if isinstance(mct_version, tuple): pass elif isinstance(mct_version, int): mct_version = (mct_version,0) elif isinstance(mct_version, float): mct_version = tuple(int(x) for x in str(mct_version).split(".")) # PG: Fixup version to be tuples: elif isinstance(mct_version, str): mct_version = tuple(int(x) for x in mct_version.split(".")) else: print("Init of Oasis needs the argument mct_version to be either a tuple or a string!") sys.exit(1) self.namcouple = ["# This namcouple was automatically generated by the esm-tools (Python)"] self.namcouple += [" $NFIELDS", " " + str(nb_of_couplings), " $END"] exec_entry = "" for exe in coupled_execs: exec_entry = exec_entry + " " + exe exec_entry = str(len(coupled_execs)) + exec_entry self.namcouple += [" $NBMODEL", " " + str(exec_entry)," $END"] self.namcouple += [" $RUNTIME", " " + str(runtime), " $END"] # seb-wahl: add lucia support if lucia: self.namcouple += [" $NLOGPRT", " " + "1 -1", " $END"] else: self.namcouple += [" $NLOGPRT", " " + str(debug_level), " $END"] if mct_version >= (4, 0): # If true, OASIS can start without restart files self.namcouple += [" $NNOREST", " " + str(nnorest), " $END "] self.namcouple += [" $STRINGS"] self.namcouple += ["###############################################################################"] self.namcouple += ["###############################################################################"] self.next_coupling=1 = "oasis3mct"
[docs] def add_input_coupling(self, field_name, freq, field_filepath): self.namcouple += ["#"] nb = self.next_coupling self.namcouple += [f"{field_name} {field_name} {nb} {freq} 0 {field_filepath} INPUT"] self.namcouple += "#" self.next_coupling += 1
[docs] def add_coupling(self, lefts, lgrid, rights, rgrid, direction, transformation, restart_file, time_step, lresume, export_mode = "DEFAULT"): import sys self.namcouple += ["#"] nb = self.next_coupling left = sep = "" for lefty in lefts: restart_out_file = lefty + "_" left += sep + lefty self.next_coupling += 1 sep = ":" right = sep = "" for righty in rights: right += sep + righty sep = ":" if export_mode == "DEFAULT": if lresume == False: export_mode = "EXPOUT" else: export_mode = "EXPORTED" if lresume == False: lag = str(0) else: lag = direction.get("lag", "0") # if a transformation method for CONSERV (e.g. GLOBAL) is set below, # increase seq (=number of lines describing the transformation) by 1 seq = int(direction.get("seq", "2")) if transformation.get("postprocessing", {}).get("conserv", {}).get("method"): seq += 1 self.namcouple += [right + " " + left + " " + str(nb) + " " + str(time_step) + " " + str(seq) + " " + str(restart_file) + " " + export_mode] if lgrid and rgrid: self.namcouple += [str(rgrid["nx"]) + " " + str(rgrid["ny"]) + " " + str(lgrid["nx"]) + " " + str(lgrid["ny"]) + " " + rgrid["name"] + " " + lgrid["name"] + " LAG=" + str(lag)] p_rgrid = p_lgrid = "0" if "number_of_overlapping_points" in rgrid: p_rgrid = str(rgrid["number_of_overlapping_points"]) if "number_of_overlapping_points" in lgrid: p_lgrid = str(lgrid["number_of_overlapping_points"]) self.namcouple += ["P " + p_rgrid +" P " + p_lgrid] trafo_line = "" trafo_details = [] alltimes = transformation.get("time_transformation", "bla") if not type(alltimes) == list: alltimes = [alltimes] for time in alltimes: detail_line = "" if time.lower() in ["instant", "accumul", "average", "t_min", "t_max"]: trafo_line = "LOCTRANS" detail_line = time.upper() trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) allpres=transformation.get("preprocessing", "bla") if not type(allpres) == list: allpres = [allpres] for pre in allpres: detail_line = "" if type(pre) == dict: pre = list(pre.keys())[0] if pre.lower() == "checkin": trafo_line += " CHECKIN" detail_line = "INT = 1" trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) elif pre.lower() == "blasold": trafo_line += " BLASOLD" coefficient = transformation["preprocessing"][pre].get("xmult", None) if not coefficient: print ("xmult needs to be defined for preprocessing BLASOLD") sys.exit(2) add_scalar = transformation["preprocessing"][pre].get("add_scalar", None) if not add_scalar: print ("add_scalar needs to be defined (0 or 1) for preprocessing BLASOLD") sys.exit(2) detail_line = str(coefficient) + " " + str(add_scalar) trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) if str(add_scalar) == "1": scalar_to_add = transformation["preprocessing"][pre].get("scalar_to_add", None) if not add_scalar: print ("scalar_to_add needs to be defined if add_scalar is set to 1 for preprocessing BLASOLD") sys.exit(2) detail_line = " CONSTANT" + str(add_scalar) trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) alltrans = transformation.get("remapping", {"bla": "blub"}) if not type(alltrans) == list: alltrans = [alltrans] for thistrans in alltrans: (trans, transform) = list(thistrans.items())[0] detail_line = "" if "mapping" == trans.lower(): trafo_line += " MAPPING" mapname = transform.get("mapname", None) if not mapname: print ("mapname needs to be defined for transformation MAPPING") sys.exit(2) maploc = transform.get("map_regrid_on", "") mapstrat = transform.get("mapstrategy", "") detail_line = mapname + " " + maploc + " " + mapstrat trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) elif trans.lower() in ["distwgt", "bicubic", "bilinear", "gauswgt", "conserv"]: trafo_line += " SCRIPR" srcgridtype = str(rgrid["oasis_grid_type"]).upper() search_bin = transform.get("search_bin", None) if not search_bin: print ("search_bin (LATITUDE or LATLON) needs to be defined for transformations DISTWGT, GAUSWGT, BILINEAR, BICUBIC") sys.exit(2) bins = transform.get("nb_of_search_bins", "1") detail_line = trans.upper() + " " + srcgridtype.upper() + " SCALAR " + search_bin.upper() + " " + str(bins) if trans.lower() in ["distwgt", "gauswgt"]: nb_of_neighbours = transform.get("nb_of_neighbours", None) if not nb_of_neighbours: print ("nb_of_neighbours needs to be defined for transformations DISTWGT and GAUSWGT") sys.exit(2) detail_line += " " + str(nb_of_neighbours) if trans.lower() == "gauswgt": weight = transform.get("weight", None) if not weight: print ("weight needs to be defined for transformation GAUSWGT") sys.exit(2) detail_line += " " + str(weight) if trans.lower() == "conserv": normalization = transform.get("normalization", None) if not normalization: print ("normalization (FRACAREA, DESTAREA or FRACNNEI) needs to be defined for transformations CONSERV") sys.exit(2) order = transform.get("order", None) if not order: print ("order (FIRST or SECOND) needs to be defined for transformation CONSERV") sys.exit(2) detail_line += " " + normalization.upper() + " " + order.upper() trafo_details += [detail_line.strip()] allpost = transformation.get("postprocessing", "bla") if not type(allpost) == list: allpost = list(allpost) for post in allpost: detail_line = "" if post.lower() == "conserv": trafo_line += " CONSERV" method = transformation["postprocessing"][post].get("method", None) if not method: print (" a method (GLOBAL, GLBPOS, BASBAL or BASPOS) needs to be defined for postprocessing CONSERV") sys.exit(2) algorithm = transformation["postprocessing"][post].get("algorithm", "") detail_line = method.upper() + " " + algorithm.lower() trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) elif post.lower() == "checkout": trafo_line += " CHECKOUT" detail_line = "INT = 1" trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) elif post.lower() == "blasnew": trafo_line += " BLASNEW" coefficient = transformation["postprocessing"][post].get("xmult", None) if not coefficient: print ("xmult needs to be defined for postprocessing BLASNEW") sys.exit(2) add_scalar = transformation["postprocessing"][post].get("add_scalar", None) if not add_scalar: print ("add_scalar needs to be defined (0 or 1) for preprocessing BLASOLD") sys.exit(2) detail_line = str(coefficient) + " " + str(add_scalar) trafo_detail.append(detail_line.strip()) if str(add_scalar) == "1": scalar_to_add = transformation["postprocessing"][post].get("scalar_to_add", None) if not add_scalar: print ("scalar_to_add needs to be defined if add_scalar is set to 1 for postprocessing BLASNEW") sys.exit(2) detail_line = " CONSTANT" + str(add_scalar) trafo_details.append(detail_line.strip()) # Remove the first space in cases such as trafo_line = ' SCRIPR CONSERV' if trafo_line[0]==" ": trafo_line = trafo_line[1:] self.namcouple += [trafo_line] for line in trafo_details: self.namcouple += [line] self.namcouple += ["#"] self.namcouple += ["#"] self.namcouple += ["#"] self.namcouple += ["###############################################################################"]
[docs] def print_config_files(self): for line in self.namcouple: print (line)
[docs] def add_output_file(self, lefts, rights, leftmodel, rightmodel, config): out_file = [] coupling = self.next_coupling if self.next_coupling < 10: this_coupling = "0" + str(coupling) else: this_coupling = str(coupling) for lefty in lefts: out_file.append(lefty + "_" + leftmodel + "_" + this_coupling + ".nc") for righty in rights: out_file.append(righty + "_" + rightmodel + "_" + this_coupling + ".nc") self.next_coupling += 1 if not "outdata_files" in config: config["outdata_files"] = {} if not "outdata_in_work" in config: config["outdata_in_work"] = {} if not "outdata_sources" in config: config["outdata_sources"] = {} for thisfile in out_file: config["outdata_files"][thisfile] = thisfile config["outdata_in_work"][thisfile] = thisfile config["outdata_sources"][thisfile] = thisfile
[docs] def add_restart_files(self, restart_file, fconfig): config = fconfig[] gconfig = fconfig["general"] #enddate = "_" + str(gconfig["end_date"].year) + str(gconfig["end_date"].month) + str(gconfig["end_date"].day) #parentdate = "_" + str(config["parent_date"].year) + str(config["parent_date"].month) + str(config["parent_date"].day) enddate = "_" + gconfig["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) parentdate = "_" + config["parent_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) if not "restart_out_files" in config: config["restart_out_files"] = {} if not "restart_out_in_work" in config: config["restart_out_in_work"] = {} if not "restart_out_sources" in config: config["restart_out_sources"] = {} if not "restart_in_files" in config: config["restart_in_files"] = {} if not "restart_in_in_work" in config: config["restart_in_in_work"] = {} if not "restart_in_sources" in config: config["restart_in_sources"] = {} config["restart_out_files"][restart_file] = restart_file config["restart_out_files"][restart_file + "_recv"] = restart_file + "_recv" config["restart_out_in_work"][restart_file] = restart_file #+ enddate config["restart_out_in_work"][restart_file + "_recv"] = restart_file + "_recv" #+ enddate config["restart_out_sources"][restart_file] = restart_file config["restart_out_sources"][restart_file + "_recv"] = restart_file + "_recv" config["restart_in_files"][restart_file] = restart_file config["restart_in_in_work"][restart_file] = restart_file if not restart_file in config["restart_in_sources"]: config["restart_in_sources"][restart_file] = restart_file
[docs] def prepare_restarts(self, restart_file, all_fields, models, config): enddate = "_" + config["general"]["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) #enddate = "_" + str(config["general"]["end_date"].year) + str(config["general"]["end_date"].month) + str(config["general"]["end_date"].day) import glob import os import subprocess print("Preparing oasis restart files from initial run...") # Assign an exe per model exes = [config[model]["executable"] for model in models] print (restart_file, all_fields, models, exes) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(config["general"]["thisrun_work_dir"]) filelist = "" # Loop through the fields and their corresponding models and exes for field, model, exe in zip(all_fields, models, exes): print (field + "-" + model) thesefiles = glob.glob(field + "_" + exe + "_*.nc") print (thesefiles) for thisfile in thesefiles: print("cdo showtime " + thisfile + " 2>/dev/null | wc -w") lasttimestep = subprocess.check_output("cdo showtime " + thisfile + " 2>/dev/null | wc -w", shell=True).decode("utf-8").rstrip() #print (lasttimestep) print("cdo -O seltimestep," + str(lasttimestep) + " " + thisfile + "") os.system("cdo -O seltimestep," + str(lasttimestep) + " " + thisfile + "") print("ncwa -O -a time notimestep_" + field + ".nc") os.system("ncwa -O -a time notimestep_" + field + ".nc") filelist += "notimestep_" + field + ".nc " print (filelist) # MA: -O flag added to overwrite oasis restart files in case oasis creats them # before (i.e. when using LOCTRANS) if os.path.isfile(restart_file) and config["general"]["verbose"]: print(f"{restart_file} already exits, overwriting") print("cdo -O merge " + filelist + " " + restart_file )#+ enddate) os.system("cdo -O merge " + filelist + " " + restart_file )# + enddate) rmlist = glob.glob("notimestep*") rmlist.append("") for rmfile in rmlist: print("rm " + rmfile) os.system("rm " + rmfile) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def finalize(self, destination_dir): self.namcouple += [" $END"] endline="" with open(destination_dir+"/namcouple", "w") as namcouple: for line in self.namcouple: namcouple.write(endline) namcouple.write(line) endline="\n"