Source code for esm_runscripts.yac

[docs]class yac: """ Generates the configuration file for YAC coupler. """ def __init__(self, full_config, nb_of_couplings=1, coupled_models=["echam", "fesom"], grids=["atmo", "feom"], runtime=1): = "yac" self.namcouple = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'] self.namcouple += ["<!-- This coupling.xml was automatically generated by the esm-tools (Python) -->"] self.namcouple += ["<coupling"] self.namcouple += ['\txmlns=""'] self.namcouple += ['\txmlns:xsi=""'] self.namcouple += ['\txsi:schemaLocation=" coupling.xsd">'] self.namcouple += ['\t<redirect redirect_of_root="' + str(full_config[]['redirect_of_root']).lower() + '" redirect_stdout="' + str(full_config[]['redirect_stdout']).lower() + '"/>'] self.namcouple += ['\t<components>'] component_id = 1 for component in full_config[]["component_names"]: self.namcouple += ['\t\t<component id="' + str(component_id) + '">'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<name>' + str(component) + '</name>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<model>' + str(component) + '</model>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<simulated>' + str(full_config[coupled_models[component_id - 1]]["type"]) + '</simulated>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<transient_grid_refs>'] for field in range(nb_of_couplings): self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t<transient_grid_ref id="' + str(field + 1) + '" transient_ref="' + str(field + 1) + '" grid_ref="' + str(component_id) + '" collection_size="1"/>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t</transient_grid_refs>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t</component>'] component_id += 1 self.namcouple += ['\t</components>'] self.namcouple += ['\t<transients>'] for field in range(nb_of_couplings): self.namcouple += ['\t\t<transient id="' + str(field + 1) + '" transient_standard_name="??transient_name' + str(field + 1) + '??"/>'] # Placeholder ??..?? will be replace further down. self.namcouple += ['\t</transients>'] self.namcouple += ['\t<grids>'] grid_id = 1 for grid in grids: self.namcouple += ['\t\t<grid id="' + str(grid_id) + '" alias_name="' + str(grid) + '" />'] grid_id += 1 self.namcouple += ['\t</grids>'] self.namcouple += ['\t<dates>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<start_date>' + str(full_config["general"]['initial_date']) + '</start_date>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<end_date>' + str(full_config["general"]['next_date']) + '</end_date>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<calendar>' + str(full_config[]['calendar']) + '</calendar>'] self.namcouple += ['\t</dates>'] self.namcouple += ['\t<timestep_unit>' + str(full_config[]['coupling_time_step_unit']) + '</timestep_unit>'] self.namcouple += ["\t<couples>"] self.namcouple += ['\t\t<couple>'] component_id = 1 for component in coupled_models: self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t<component' + str(component_id) + ' component_id="' + str(component_id) + '" />'] component_id += 1 self.next_coupling = 1
[docs] def add_coupling(self, field, transient_id, direction, config): import sys coupling_field = field.replace("<--", "%").replace("--", "&") source, rest = coupling_field.split("%") source = source.strip() interpolation, target = rest.split("&") target = target.strip() interpolation = interpolation.strip() # Replacing placeholder ??..?? with field keyname source matching = [s for s in self.namcouple if "??transient_name" + str(transient_id) + "??" in s] index = self.namcouple.index(matching[0]) self.namcouple[index] = self.namcouple[index].replace("??transient_name" + str(transient_id) + "??", source) self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t<transient_couple transient_id="' + str(transient_id) + '">'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t<source component_ref="' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["source"]["component_id"]) + '" transient_grid_ref="' + str(transient_id) + '" />'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t<target transient_grid_ref="' + str(transient_id) + '" />'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t<timestep>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t\t<source>' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["source"]["timestep"]) + '</source>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t\t<target>' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["target"]["timestep"]) + '</target>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t\t<coupling_period operation="' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["operation"]) + '">' + str(config["coupling_time_step"]) + '</coupling_period>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t\t<source_timelag>' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["source"]["timelag"]) + '</source_timelag>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t\t<target_timelag>' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["target"]["timelag"]) + '</target_timelag>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t</timestep>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t<interpolation_requirements use_source_mask="' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["source"]["use_mask"]).lower() + '" use_target_mask="' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["source"]["use_mask"]).lower() + '">'] line = '<interpolation method="' + str(interpolation) + '" ' for option in config["interpolation_methods"][interpolation]["options"]: value = config["interpolation_methods"][interpolation]["options"][option] line += ' ' + str(option) + ' ="' + str(value) + '"' line += '/>' self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t\t\t' + line] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t</interpolation_requirements>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t<debug_mode at_source_before_interpolation="' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["source"]["debug_before_interpolation"]).lower() + '" at_source_after_interpolation="' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["source"]["debug_before_interpolation"]).lower() + '" at_target="' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["target"]["debug"]).lower() + '"/>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t<enforce_write_restart>' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["write_restart"]).lower() + '</enforce_write_restart>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t\t<enforce_write_weight_file filename="' + str(source) + '_weight">' + str(config["coupling_directions"][direction]["write_weight"]).lower() + '</enforce_write_weight_file>'] self.namcouple += ['\t\t\t\t</transient_couple>']
[docs] def print_config_files(self): for line in self.namcouple: print(line)
[docs] def add_output_file(self, lefts, rights, leftmodel, rightmodel, config): out_file = [] coupling = self.next_coupling if self.next_coupling < 10: this_coupling = "0" + str(coupling) else: this_coupling = str(coupling) for lefty in lefts: out_file.append(lefty + "_" + leftmodel + "_" + this_coupling + ".nc") for righty in rights: out_file.append(righty + "_" + rightmodel + "_" + this_coupling + ".nc") self.next_coupling += 1 if "outdata_files" not in config: config["outdata_files"] = {} if "outdata_in_work" not in config: config["outdata_in_work"] = {} if "outdata_sources" not in config: config["outdata_sources"] = {} for thisfile in out_file: config["outdata_files"][thisfile] = thisfile config["outdata_in_work"][thisfile] = thisfile config["outdata_sources"][thisfile] = thisfile
[docs] def add_restart_files(self, restart_file, fconfig): config = fconfig[] gconfig = fconfig["general"] # enddate = "_" + str(gconfig["end_date"].year) + str(gconfig["end_date"].month) + str(gconfig["end_date"].day) # parentdate = "_" + str(config["parent_date"].year) + str(config["parent_date"].month) + str(config["parent_date"].day) enddate = "_" + gconfig["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) parentdate = "_" + config["parent_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) if "restart_out_files" not in config: config["restart_out_files"] = {} if "restart_out_in_work" not in config: config["restart_out_in_work"] = {} if "restart_out_sources" not in config: config["restart_out_sources"] = {} if "restart_in_files" not in config: config["restart_in_files"] = {} if "restart_in_in_work" not in config: config["restart_in_in_work"] = {} if "restart_in_sources" not in config: config["restart_in_sources"] = {} config["restart_out_files"][restart_file] = restart_file config["restart_out_files"][restart_file + "_recv"] = restart_file + "_recv" config["restart_out_in_work"][restart_file] = restart_file # + enddate config["restart_out_in_work"][restart_file + "_recv"] = restart_file + "_recv" # + enddate config["restart_out_sources"][restart_file] = restart_file config["restart_out_sources"][restart_file + "_recv"] = restart_file + "_recv" config["restart_in_files"][restart_file] = restart_file config["restart_in_in_work"][restart_file] = restart_file if restart_file not in config["restart_in_sources"]: config["restart_in_sources"][restart_file] = restart_file
[docs] def prepare_restarts(self, restart_file, all_fields, model, config): enddate = "_" + config["general"]["end_date"].format( form=9, givenph=False, givenpm=False, givenps=False ) # enddate = "_" + str(config["general"]["end_date"].year) + str(config["general"]["end_date"].month) + str(config["general"]["end_date"].day) import glob import os import subprocess print("Preparing YAC restart files from initial run...") exe = config[model]["executable"] print(restart_file, all_fields, model, exe) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(config["general"]["thisrun_work_dir"]) filelist = "" for field in all_fields: print(field + "-" + model) thesefiles = glob.glob(field + "_" + exe + "_*.nc") print(thesefiles) for thisfile in thesefiles: print("cdo showtime " + thisfile + " 2>/dev/null | wc -w") lasttimestep = subprocess.check_output("cdo showtime " + thisfile + " 2>/dev/null | wc -w", shell=True).decode("utf-8").rstrip() # print (lasttimestep) print("cdo -O seltimestep," + str(lasttimestep) + " " + thisfile + "") os.system("cdo -O seltimestep," + str(lasttimestep) + " " + thisfile + "") print("ncwa -O -a time notimestep_" + field + ".nc") os.system("ncwa -O -a time notimestep_" + field + ".nc") filelist += "notimestep_" + field + ".nc " print(filelist) print("cdo merge " + filelist + " " + restart_file) # + enddate) os.system("cdo merge " + filelist + " " + restart_file) # + enddate) rmlist = glob.glob("notimestep*") rmlist.append("") for rmfile in rmlist: print("rm " + rmfile) os.system("rm " + rmfile) os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def finalize(self, destination_dir): self.namcouple += ["\t\t</couple>"] self.namcouple += ["\t</couples>"] self.namcouple += ["</coupling>"] endline = "" with open(destination_dir + "/coupling.xml", "w") as namcouple: for line in self.namcouple: namcouple.write(endline) namcouple.write(line) endline = "\n"