Source code for esm_runscripts.helpers

import sys
from datetime import datetime

import esm_rcfile

import esm_plugin_manager
import esm_tools

[docs]def vprint(message, config): if config["general"]["verbose"]: print(message)
[docs]def evaluate(config, job_type, recipe_name): # Check for a user defined compute recipe in the setup section of the # general section. If nothing is found, recipe_steps should evaluate to # None and the default is used try: setup_name = config["general"]["setup_name"] recipe_steps = config.get(setup_name, {}).get(recipe_name) or config[ "general" ].get(recipe_name) except KeyError: print( "Your configuration is incorrect, and should include headings for %s as well as general!" % setup_name ) sys.exit(1) if config["general"].get("use_venv"): recipe = esm_tools.get_config_filepath("esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_runscripts.yaml") need_to_parse_recipe = True plugins_bare = esm_tools.get_config_filepath( "esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_plugins.yaml" ) need_to_parse_plugins = True elif esm_rcfile.FUNCTION_PATH.startswith("NONE_YET"): recipe = esm_tools.get_config_filepath( "esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_runscripts.yaml" ) need_to_parse_recipe = True plugins_bare = esm_tools.get_config_filepath( "esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_plugins.yaml" ) need_to_parse_plugins = True else: recipe = ( esm_rcfile.FUNCTION_PATH + "/esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_runscripts.yaml" ) need_to_parse_recipe = True plugins_bare = ( esm_rcfile.FUNCTION_PATH + "/esm_software/esm_runscripts/esm_plugins.yaml" ) need_to_parse_plugins = True framework_recipe = esm_plugin_manager.read_recipe( recipe, {"job_type": job_type}, need_to_parse_recipe ) if recipe_steps: framework_recipe["recipe"] = recipe_steps framework_plugins = esm_plugin_manager.read_plugin_information( plugins_bare, framework_recipe, need_to_parse_plugins ) esm_plugin_manager.check_plugin_availability(framework_plugins) config = esm_plugin_manager.work_through_recipe( framework_recipe, framework_plugins, config ) return config
######################################################################################### # general stuff # #########################################################################################
[docs]def end_it_all(config): if config["general"]["profile"]: for line in timing_info: print(line) if config["general"]["verbose"]: print("Exiting entire Python process!") sys.exit()
[docs]def write_to_log(config, message, message_sep=None): """ Puts a message into the experiment log file Parameters ---------- message : list A list of the message elements; which is joined by either (highest to lowest): 1) the message_sep argument passed to the method, 2) The user's chosen seperator, as written in ``config["general"]["experiment_log_file_message_sep"]``, 3) An empty space ``" "``. message_sep : None The hard-coded message seperator to use; which ignores user choices. Note ---- The user can control two things regarding the logfile format: 1) The datestamp formatting, whjich is taken from the config section ``general.experiment_log_file_dateformat``. 2) The message seperators; taken from ``general.experiment_log_file_message_sep``. Note that if the programmer passes a ``message_sep`` argument; this one wins over the user choice. """ try: with open(config["general"]["experiment_log_file"], "a+") as logfile: line = assemble_log_message(config, message, message_sep) logfile.write(line + "\n") except KeyError: import esm_parser print("Sorry; couldn't find 'experiment_log_file' in config['general']...") esm_parser.pprint_config(config["general"]) raise
[docs]def assemble_log_message( config, message, message_sep=None, timestampStr_from_Unix=False ): """Assembles message for log file. See doc for write_to_log""" message = [str(i) for i in message] dateTimeObj = strftime_str = config["general"].get("experiment_log_file_dateformat", "%c") if message_sep is None: message_sep = config["general"].get("experiment_log_file_message_sep", " ") if timestampStr_from_Unix: timestampStr = "$(date +" + strftime_str + ")" else: timestampStr = dateTimeObj.strftime(strftime_str) # TODO: Do we want to be able to specify a timestamp seperator as well? line = timestampStr + " : " + message_sep.join(message) return line