Source code for esm_runscripts.postprocess

from . import helpers

[docs]def run_job(config): config["general"]["relevant_filetypes"] = ["log", "mon", "outdata", "restart_out","bin", "config", "forcing", "input", "restart_in", "ignore"] helpers.evaluate(config, "postprocess", "post_recipe") return config
def _assemble_postprocess_tasks(config): """ Generates all tasks for post processing which will be written to the sad file. Parameters ---------- post_file File handle to which information should be written. Returns ------- post_task_list : list The list of post commands which will be executed. These are written to the sad file. """ postfile = config["general"]["post_file"] post_task_list = [] for component in config["general"]["valid_model_names"]: post_file.write(40*"+ "+"\n") post_file.write("Generating post-processing tasks for: %s \n" % component) post_task_list.append("\n#Postprocessing %s\n" % component) post_task_list.append("cd "+ config[component]["experiment_outdata_dir"]+"\n") pconfig_tasks = config[component].get('postprocess_tasks', {}) post_file.write("Configuration for post processing: %s \n" % pconfig_tasks) for outfile in pconfig_tasks: post_file.write("Generating task to create: %s \n" % outfile) ofile_config = pconfig_tasks[outfile] # TODO(PG): This can be cleaned up. I probably actually want a # ChainMap here for more than just the bottom... # # Run CDO tasks (default) task_definition = config[component].get("postprocess_task_definitions", {}).get(ofile_config['post_process']) method_definition = config[component].get("postprocess_method_definitions", {}).get(task_definition['method']) program = method_definition.get("program", task_definition["method"]) possible_args = method_definition.get("possible_args", []) required_args = method_definition.get("required_args", []) possible_flags = method_definition.get("possible_flags", []) required_flags = method_definition.get("required_flags", []) outfile_flags = ofile_config.get("flags") outfile_args = ofile_config.get("args") task_def_flags = task_definition.get("flags") task_def_args = task_definition.get("args") args = collections.ChainMap(outfile_args, task_def_args) flags = outfile_flags + task_def_flags flags = ["-"+flag for flag in flags] # See here: all_call_things = {"program": program, "outfile": outfile, **args, "flags": flags} print(all_call_things) index_map = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(method_definition["call_order"])} call_list = sorted(all_call_things.items(), key=lambda pair: index_map[pair[0]]) call = [] for call_id, call_part in call_list: if isinstance(call_part, str): call.append(call_part) elif isinstance(call_part, list): call.append(" ".join(call_part)) else: raise TypeError("Something straaaange happened. Consider starting the debugger.") post_file.write(" ".join(call)+"\n") post_task_list.append(" ".join(call)) post_task_list.append("cd -\n") config["general"]["post_task_list"] = post_task_list return config #????? #def write_simple_postscript(config): # batch_system.write_simple_runscript(config) # return config