Source code for esm_parser.esm_parser

#!/usr/bin/env python
``YAML`` Parser for Earth System Models

One core element of the ``esm-tools`` is the description of model
configurations and experiments with the aid of ``YAML`` files. Beyond the
standard features of ``YAML``, several specific conventions have been
implemented to ease the description of your simulations. These conventions are
described below, and the functions which implement them are documented with
minimal examples. Internally, after parsing the ``YAML`` files are converted
into a single Python dictionary.

Parsing takes place by initializing objects which represent either an entire
setup, ``ConfigSetup``, or a specific component, ``ConfigComponent``. Both of
these objects base off of ``GeneralConfig``, which is a dictionary subclass
performing specific parsing steps during the object's creation. The parsing
steps are presented in the order that they are resolved:

When initializing a ``ConfigSetup`` or ``ConfigComponent``, a name of the
desired setup or component must be given, e.g. ``"awicm"`` or ``"echam"``. This
configuration is immediately loaded along with any further configs listed in
the section "further_reading". Note that this means that **any configuration
listed in "further_reading" must not contain any variables!!**

Following this step, a method called ``_config_init`` is run for all classes
based off of ``GeneralConfig``. For components, any entries listed under
``"include_submodels"`` are attached and registed under a new keyword

For setups, the next step is to determine the computing host and load the
appropriate configuration files. Setups divide their configuration into 3
specific parts:

#. Setup information, contained under ``config['setup']``. This includes, e.g.
   information regarding a standalone setup, possible coupling, etc.
#. Model Information, under ``config['model']``. This contains specific
   information for all models and submodels, such as resolution, input file
   names, namelists, etc.
#. User information, under ``config['model']``. The user can specify to
   override any of the defaults with their own choices.

In the next step, all keys starting with ``"choose_"`` are determined, along
with any information they set. This is done first for the setup, and then for
the models. These are filtered to determine an independent choice, and if
cyclic dependencies occur, an error is raised. All choices are then resolved
until nothing is left.


Specific documentation for classes and functions are given below:
# Python 2 and 3 version agnostic compatiability:
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import pdb

# Python Standard Library imports
import collections
import copy
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import warnings
import numpy

# Always import externals before any non standard library imports

# Third-Party Imports
import coloredlogs
import yaml
import six

# functions reading in dict from file
from .shell_to_dict import *
from .yaml_to_dict import *

# Date class
from esm_calendar import Date

# Loader for package yamls
import esm_tools

# Logger and related constants
logger = logging.getLogger("root")
DEBUG_MODE = logger.level == logging.DEBUG
    "[%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d:%(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)20s() ] %(message)s"
#f_handler = logging.FileHandler("file.log")

# Module Constants:
# NOTE: For very strange reasons, DATE_MARKER ends up being unicode in py2, not a string...

import esm_rcfile


esm_function_dir = esm_rcfile.FUNCTION_PATH
esm_namelist_dir = esm_rcfile.get_rc_entry("NAMELIST_PATH", "NONE_YET")
esm_runscript_dir = esm_rcfile.get_rc_entry("RUNSCRIPT_PATH", "NONE_YET")

gray_list = [

gray_list = [re.compile(entry) for entry in gray_list]
gray_list = []
constant_blacklist = [r"PATH", r"LD_LIBRARY_PATH", r"NETCDFF_ROOT", r"I_MPI_ROOT"]

constant_blacklist = [re.compile(entry) for entry in constant_blacklist]

# Ensure FileNotFoundError exists:
if six.PY2:  # pragma: no cover
    FileNotFoundError = IOError

[docs]def look_for_file(model, item): for possible_path in [ SETUP_PATH + "/" + model + "/" + item , COMPONENT_PATH + "/" + model + "/" + item , FUNCTION_PATH + "/esm_software/" + model + "/" + item, FUNCTION_PATH + "/other_software/" + model + "/" + item, FUNCTION_PATH + "/" + model + "/" + item , ]: for ending in [ "", ".yaml", ".yml", ".YAML", ".YML", ]: if os.path.isfile(possible_path + ending): needs_loading = True return possible_path + ending, needs_loading if (possible_path + ending).startswith("NONE_YET"): try: config = esm_tools.read_config_file(possible_path.replace("NONE_YET", "") + ending) needs_loading = False return config, needs_loading except Exception as e: continue return None, None
[docs]def shell_file_to_dict(filepath): """ Generates a ~`ConfigSetup` from an old shell script. See also ~`ShellscriptToUserConfig` Parameters ---------- filepath : str The file to load Returns ------- ConfigSetup : The parsed config. """ config = ShellscriptToUserConfig(filepath) config = complete_config(config) return config
[docs]def initialize_from_shell_script(filepath): config = ShellscriptToUserConfig(filepath) config = complete_config(config) return config
[docs]def initialize_from_yaml(filepath): for file_ending in YAML_AUTO_EXTENSIONS: if filepath.endswith(file_ending) and not file_ending == "": user_config = yaml_file_to_dict(filepath) user_config = complete_config(user_config) return user_config
[docs]def complete_config(user_config): if not "general" in user_config: user_config["general"] = {} user_config["general"]["additional_files"] = [] while True: for model in list(user_config): if "further_reading" in user_config[model]: if type(user_config[model]["further_reading"]) == list: for additional_file in user_config[model]["further_reading"]: if not additional_file in user_config["general"]["additional_files"]: user_config["general"]["additional_files"].append(additional_file) elif type(user_config[model]["further_reading"]) == str: additional_file = user_config[model]["further_reading"] if not additional_file in user_config["general"]["additional_files"]: user_config["general"]["additional_files"].append(additional_file) if model == "general": user_config["further_reading"] = user_config["general"]["further_reading"] del user_config["general"]["further_reading"] attach_to_config_and_remove(user_config, "further_reading") else: attach_to_config_and_remove(user_config[model], "further_reading") found = False for model in user_config: if "further_reading" in user_config[model]: found = True break if not found: break return user_config
[docs]def pprint_config(config): # pragma: no cover """ Prints the dictionary given to the stdout in a nicely formatted YAML style. Parameters ---------- config : dict The configuration to print Returns ------- None """ yaml.Dumper.ignore_aliases = lambda *args: True print(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False))
[docs]def attach_to_config_and_reduce_keyword( config_to_read_from, config_to_write_to, full_keyword, reduced_keyword="included_files", level_to_write_to=None, ): """ Attaches a new dictionary to the config, and registers it as the value of ``reduced_keyword``. Parameters ---------- config_to_read_from : dict The configuration dictionary from which information is read from. The keyword from which additional YAML files are read from should be on the top level of this dictionary. config_to_write_to : dict The dictionary where the contents of ``config_to_read_from[full_keyword]`` is written in. full_keyword : The keyword where contents are extracted from reduced_keyword : The keyword where the contents of ``config_to_read_from[full_keyword]`` are written to level_to_write_to : If this is specified, the attached entries are written here instead of in the top level of ``config_to_write_to``. Note that only one level down is currently supported. The purpose behind this is to have a chapter in config "include_submodels" = ["echam", "fesom"], which would then find the "echam.yaml" and "fesom.yaml" configs, and attach them to "config" under config[submodels], and the entire config for e.g. echam would show up in config[echam Since ``config_to_read_from`` and ``config_to_write_to`` are ``dict`` objects, they are modified **in place**. Note also that the entry ``config_to_read_from[full_keyword]`` is deleted at the end of the routine. If the entry in ``config_to_read_from[full_keyword]`` is a list, each item in that list is split into two parts: ``model`` and ``model_part``. For example: >>> # Assuming: config_to_read_from[full_keyword] = ['echam.datasets', 'echam.restart.streams'] >>> model, model_part = 'echam', 'datasets' # first part >>> model, model_part = 'echam', 'restart.streams' # second part The first part, in the example ``echam`` is used to determine where to look for new YAML files. Then, a yaml file corresponding to a file called ``echam.datasets.yaml`` is loaded, and attached to the config. Warning ------- Both ``config_to_read_from`` and ``config_to_write_to`` are modified **in place**! """ if full_keyword in config_to_read_from: if level_to_write_to: if reduced_keyword in config_to_read_from[level_to_write_to]: config_to_read_from[level_to_write_to][ reduced_keyword ] += config_to_read_from[full_keyword] else: config_to_read_from[level_to_write_to][ reduced_keyword ] = config_to_read_from[full_keyword] else: if reduced_keyword in config_to_read_from: config_to_read_from[reduced_keyword] += config_to_read_from[ full_keyword ] else: config_to_read_from[reduced_keyword] = config_to_read_from[full_keyword] # FIXME: Does this only need to work for lists? if isinstance(config_to_read_from[full_keyword], list): for item in config_to_read_from[full_keyword]: model = item if "-" in item: model, rest = (item.split("-")[0], "-".join(item.split("-")[1:])) else: if "." in item: model, model_part = (item.split(".")[0], ".".join(item.split(".")[1:])) logger.debug("Attaching: %s for %s", model_part, model) else: if item in config_to_read_from: if "version" in config_to_read_from[item]: item = model + "-" + config_to_read_from[item]["version"] include_path, needs_load = look_for_file(model, item) if not include_path: include_path, needs_load = look_for_file(model, model) if not include_path: print (f'attach_to_config_and_reduce: File {item} of model {model} could not be found. Sorry.') sys.exit(-1) logger.debug("Reading %s", include_path) if needs_load: tmp_config = yaml_file_to_dict(include_path) else: tmp_config = include_path config_to_write_to[tmp_config["model"]] = tmp_config for attachment in CONFIGS_TO_ALWAYS_ATTACH_AND_REMOVE: logger.debug("Attaching: %s", attachment) attach_to_config_and_remove( config_to_write_to[tmp_config["model"]], attachment, ) else: raise TypeError("The entries in %s must be a list!!" % full_keyword) del config_to_read_from[full_keyword]
[docs]def attach_single_config(config, path, attach_value): include_path, needs_load = look_for_file(path, attach_value) if include_path: if needs_load: attachable_config = yaml_file_to_dict( include_path ) else: attachable_config = include_path elif os.path.isfile(path + "/" + attach_value): attachable_config = yaml_file_to_dict( path + "/" + attach_value ) else: print ("Could not find ", path + "/" + attach_value) sys.exit(1) #DB this is a try: dict_merge(config, attachable_config)
[docs]def attach_to_config_and_remove(config, attach_key): """ Attaches extra dict to this one and removes the chapter Updates the dictionary on ``config`` with values from any file found under a listing specified by ``attach_key``. Parameters ---------- config : dict The configuration to update attach_key : str A key who's value points to a list of various yaml files to update ``config`` with. Warning ------- The ``config`` is modified **in place**! """ if attach_key in config: attach_value = config[attach_key] del config[attach_key] if type(attach_value) == str: attach_value = [attach_value] for attach_value in attach_value: try: attach_path, attach_value = attach_value.rsplit("/", 1) except ValueError: attach_path = "." attach_single_config(config, attach_path, attach_value)
priority_marker = ">>THIS_ONE<<"
[docs]def priority_merge_dicts(first_config, second_config, priority="first"): """Given two dictionaries, merge them together preserving either first or last entries. Parameters ---------- first_config : dict second_config : dict priority : str One of "first" or "second". Specifies which dictionary should be given priority when merging. Returns ------- merged : dict A dictionary containing all keys, with duplicate entries reverting to the dictionary given in "priority". The merge occurs across all levels. """ if priority == "second": merged_dictionary = first_config to_merge = second_config elif priority == "first": merged_dictionary = second_config to_merge = first_config else: raise TypeError("Please use 'first' or 'second' for the priority!") # for key in to_merge: # for inner_key in list(to_merge[key]): # if not priority_marker in inner_key: # to_merge[key][inner_key+priority_marker] = to_merge[key][inner_key] # del to_merge[key][inner_key] dict_merge(merged_dictionary, to_merge) return merged_dictionary
[docs]def resolve_remove_and_add(workdict): for chapter in workdict: if "remove_" in chapter: remove_chapter = chapter.replace("remove_", "") remove_entries_from_chapter(workdict, remove_chapter, entries) #del config[chapter] elif "add_" in chapter: add_chapter = chapter.replace("add_", "") add_entries_from_chapter(workdict, add_chapter, entries) #del config[chapter] return workdict
[docs]def new_dict_merge(dct, merge_dct, winner="to_be_included"): """ Recursive dict merge. Inspired by :meth:``dict.update()``, instead of updating only top-level keys, dict_merge recurses down into dicts nested to an arbitrary depth, updating keys. The ``merge_dct`` is merged into ``dct``. :param dct: dict onto which the merge is executed :param merge_dct: dct merged into dct :param winner: should be either receiving (default) or to_be_included :return: None """ for k, v in six.iteritems(merge_dct): if ( k in dct and isinstance(dct[k], dict) and isinstance(merge_dct[k], collections.Mapping) ): new_dict_merge(dct[k], merge_dct[k], winner) else: if not (winner == "receiving" and k in dct): dct[k] = merge_dct[k]
[docs]def new_deep_update(receiving_dict, dict_to_be_included, winner = "receiving", blackdict = {}): dict_to_be_included = resolve_remove_and_add(dict_to_be_included) for chapter in dict_to_be_included: if chapter not in blackdict: new_dict_merge(receiving_dict, {chapter: dict_to_be_included[chapter]}, winner = winner) return receiving_dict
[docs]def dict_merge(dct, merge_dct): """ Recursive dict merge. Inspired by :meth:``dict.update()``, instead of updating only top-level keys, dict_merge recurses down into dicts nested to an arbitrary depth, updating keys. The ``merge_dct`` is merged into ``dct``. :param dct: dict onto which the merge is executed :param merge_dct: dct merged into dct :return: None """ for k, v in six.iteritems(merge_dct): if ( k in dct and isinstance(dct[k], dict) and isinstance(merge_dct[k], collections.Mapping) ): # NOTE(PG): this is a very bad hack and doesn't belong here at all. # Maybe instead the yaml_file_to_dict needs to say something like # "add_debug_info", so everything gets put together, but for right # now you are given ifnromation where your config originally came # from... # # IDEA: It would be great if somehow we knew which key came from # which config file: some are in the user, some are in the setup, # some are in the component. However, I have no idea how to do that # correctly...Turn the keys in the config into named tuples with # the original file? Make a custom "class" for config keys?? That # would then be: # # config['echam'].keys() # * (key_name: namelist_changes, came_from: user, overrides: [setup, component]) # Above, the overrides list always gets longer depending on where the value actually came from. # * (another key-tuple) # * and so on... # # An idea...but I have absolutely no clue how to cleanly implement that... if k is not "debug_info": dict_merge(dct[k], merge_dct[k]) else: if "debug_info" in dct: if isinstance(dct["debug_info"]["loaded_from_file"], str): dct["debug_info"]["loaded_from_file"] = [dct["debug_info"]["loaded_from_file"]] else: dct["debug_info"]["loaded_from_file"].append(merge_dct["debug_info"]["loaded_from_file"]) else: dct[k] = merge_dct[k]
[docs]def deep_update(chapter, entries, config, blackdict={}): if "remove_" in chapter: remove_chapter = chapter.replace("remove_", "") remove_entries_from_chapter(config, remove_chapter, entries) #del config[chapter] elif "add_" in chapter: add_chapter = chapter.replace("add_", "") add_entries_from_chapter(config, add_chapter, entries) #del config[chapter] else: if chapter not in blackdict: dict_merge(config, {chapter: entries})
[docs]def find_remove_entries_in_config(mapping, model_name, models = []): all_removes = [] mappings = [mapping] while mappings: mapping = mappings.pop() try: items = six.iteritems(mapping) except AttributeError: continue for key, value in items: if isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith("remove_"): # If the model is not present in the path add it if key.split("remove_")[-1].split(".")[0] not in models: key = "remove_" + model_name + "." + key.split("remove_")[-1] all_removes.append((key, value)) if isinstance(value, dict): mappings.append(value) # all_removes = [(remove_echam.forcing_files, [sst, sic,])] # NOTE: Not Allowed: all_removes = [(remove_echam.forcing_files, sst)] return all_removes
[docs]def remove_entries_from_chapter(config, remove_chapter, remove_entries): for entry in remove_entries: try: del config[remove_chapter][entry] except KeyError: pass
[docs]def add_entries_from_chapter(config, add_chapter, add_entries): my_entries = copy.deepcopy(add_entries) if add_chapter in config: if type(config[add_chapter]) == list: for entry in my_entries: config[add_chapter].append(entry) elif type(config[add_chapter]) == dict: dict_merge(config[add_chapter], add_entries) else: config[add_chapter] = add_entries
[docs]def remove_entry_from_chapter( remove_chapter, remove_entries, model_to_remove_from, model_with_remove_statement, model_config, setup_config, ): """ Deletes the entries specified by the user using the ``remove_<chapter>`` command contained in the chapter, that can be either a list or a dictionary. After the removals the ``remove_<chapter>`` command is cleaned up from the config. Parameters ---------- remove_chapter : str A string specifying the path inside the config to reach the chapter where the entries to be removed are. The string is composed by ``remove_`` followed by the path where each nested chapter is separated by a ``.``. remove_entries : list The list of entries to be remove from the chapter. model_to_remove_from : str Indicates the main chapter inside config where removes need to take place (i.e. ``computer``, ``general``, ``<model>``, ...). model_with_remove_statement : str Indicates the main chapter where the remove command is defined. model_config : dict Component-specific general configuration. setup_config : dict Setup-specific general configuration. """ logging.debug("%s, %s", remove_entries, remove_chapter) # Check that the the user entry is a least, if not rise an exception if not isinstance(remove_entries, list): raise TypeError("Please put all entries to remove as a list") # Check for ``namelist_changes`` and change the extension dot ``.`` for a ``,`` remove_chapter_nml = remove_chapter if "namelist_changes" in remove_chapter: ind_nc = remove_chapter.find("namelist_changes") + len("namelist_changes") + 1 ind_ext_dot = remove_chapter.find(".", ind_nc) if ind_ext_dot > 0: remove_chapter_split = list(remove_chapter) remove_chapter_split[ind_ext_dot] = "," remove_chapter_nml = "".join(remove_chapter_split) # Find the required config if model_to_remove_from in model_config: config = model_config[model_to_remove_from] elif model_to_remove_from in setup_config: config = setup_config[model_to_remove_from] # Delete the variables specified in the remove_<chapter> in config for entry in remove_entries: try: # Find the nested subchapter and substitute "," with "." for namelist extensions path2chapter = [ subchapter.replace(",", ".") for subchapter in remove_chapter_nml.split(".")[1:] ] # Reach the subchapter that to be removed remove_from_config = recursive_get(config, path2chapter) # If remove_from_config is a list use remove method, if it is a dictionary use del if isinstance(remove_from_config, list): remove_from_config.remove(entry) else: del remove_from_config[entry] except: pass # Cleanup the remove_<chapter> command defined by the user either in model_config or in setup_config if model_with_remove_statement in model_config: try: del model_config[model_with_remove_statement][ remove_chapter.replace(model_with_remove_statement + ".", "") ] except: pass elif model_with_remove_statement in setup_config: try: del setup_config[model_with_remove_statement][ remove_chapter.replace(model_with_remove_statement + ".", "") ] except: pass
[docs]def remove_entries_from_chapter_in_config( model_config, valid_model_names, setup_config, valid_setup_names ): config = model_config for model in valid_model_names: logging.debug(model) all_removes_for_model = find_remove_entries_in_config(config[model], model, config.keys()) for remove_chapter, remove_entries in all_removes_for_model: model_to_remove_from = remove_chapter.split(".")[0].replace("remove_", "") remove_entry_from_chapter( remove_chapter, remove_entries, model_to_remove_from, model, model_config, setup_config, ) try: del config[model][remove_chapter] except: pass
[docs]def basic_find_remove_entries_in_config(mapping): all_removes = [] mappings = [mapping] while mappings: mapping = mappings.pop() try: items = six.iteritems(mapping) except AttributeError: continue for key, value in items: if isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith("remove_"): all_removes.append((key, value)) if isinstance(value, dict): mappings.append(value) # all_removes = [(remove_echam.forcing_files, [sst, sic,])] # NOTE: Not Allowed: all_removes = [(remove_echam.forcing_files, sst)] return all_removes
[docs]def basic_find_add_entries_in_config(mapping): all_adds = [] mappings = [mapping] while mappings: mapping = mappings.pop() #try: # items = six.iteritems(mapping) #except AttributeError: # continue for key in list(mapping): value = mapping[key] #for key, value in items: if isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith("add_"): all_adds.append((key, value)) if isinstance(value, dict): mappings.append(value) # all_adds = [(add_echam.forcing_files, [sst, sic,])] # NOTE: Not Allowed: all_adds = [(add_echam.forcing_files, sst)] return all_adds
[docs]def find_add_entries_in_config(mapping, model_name): all_adds = [] mappings = [mapping] while mappings: mapping = mappings.pop() try: items = six.iteritems(mapping) except AttributeError: continue for key, value in items: if isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith("add_"): if not "." in key: key = "add_" + model_name + "." + key.split("add_")[-1] all_adds.append((key, value)) # if isinstance(value, dict): # mappings.append(value) # all_adds = [(add_echam.forcing_files, [sst, sic,])] # NOTE: Not Allowed: all_adds = [(add_echam.forcing_files, sst)] return all_adds
list_counter = 0
[docs]def add_entry_to_chapter( add_chapter, add_entries, model_to_add_to, model_with_add_statement, model_config, setup_config, ): if model_to_add_to in model_config: target_config = model_config else: target_config = setup_config if model_with_add_statement in model_config: source_config = model_config else: cource_config = setup_config logging.debug(model_to_add_to) logging.debug(add_chapter) if add_chapter in source_config[model_with_add_statement]: source_chapter = add_chapter else: source_chapter = add_chapter.replace(model_to_add_to + ".", "") # If the desired chapter doesn't exist yet, just put it there logging.debug(model_to_add_to) logging.debug(add_chapter) if not add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") in target_config[model_to_add_to]: target_config[model_to_add_to][ add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") ] = add_entries else: if not type( target_config[model_to_add_to][ add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") ] ) == type(add_entries): raise TypeError("Something is wrong") else: if isinstance( target_config[model_to_add_to][ add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") ], list, ): # Define the list to be modified mod_list = target_config[model_to_add_to][ add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") ] # Add the entries mod_list += add_entries # Remove duplicates mod_list_no_dupl = [] for el in mod_list: if not isinstance(el, (dict, tuple, list)): if not el in mod_list_no_dupl: mod_list_no_dupl.append(el) else: mod_list_no_dupl.append(el) target_config[model_to_add_to][ add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") ] = mod_list_no_dupl global list_counter list_counter += 1 elif isinstance( target_config[model_to_add_to][ add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") ], dict, ): # If the chapter is a dictionary use dict_merge where the new entries # have priority over the preexisting ones (user choices win over # anything else) dict_merge( target_config[model_to_add_to][ add_chapter.split(".")[-1].replace("add_", "") ], add_entries, ) if list_counter > 1: pass # pdb.set_trace() logging.debug(model_with_add_statement) logging.debug(source_chapter)
# del source_config[model_with_add_statement][source_chapter.replace("add_", "")]
[docs]def basic_add_entries_to_chapter_in_config(config): all_adds_for_model = basic_find_add_entries_in_config(config) for add_chapter, add_entries in all_adds_for_model: add_entries_from_chapter(config, add_chapter.replace("add_", ""), add_entries)
[docs]def basic_remove_entries_from_chapter_in_config(config): all_removes_for_model = basic_find_remove_entries_in_config(config) for remove_chapter, remove_entries in all_removes_for_model: remove_entries_from_chapter( config, remove_chapter.replace("remove_", ""), remove_entries )
[docs]def add_entries_to_chapter_in_config( model_config, valid_model_names, setup_config, valid_setup_names ): config = model_config for model in list(config): logging.debug(model) all_adds_for_model = find_add_entries_in_config(config[model], model) for add_chapter, add_entries in all_adds_for_model: model_to_add_to = add_chapter.split(".")[0].replace("add_", "") add_entry_to_chapter( add_chapter, add_entries, model_to_add_to, model, model_config, setup_config, )
[docs]def merge_dicts(*dict_args): """ Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict, precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts. Note that this function only merges the first level. For deeper merging, use ``priority_merge_dicts``. Parameters ---------- *dict_args Any number of dictionaries to merge together Returns ------- A merged dictionary (shallow). """ result = {} for dictionary in dict_args: result.update(dictionary) return result
[docs]def del_value_for_nested_key(config, key): """ In a dict of dicts, delete a key/value pair. Parameters ---------- config : dict The dict to delete in. key : str The key to delete. Warning ------- The ``config`` is modified **in place**! """ if key in config: del config[key] for v in config.values(): if isinstance(v, dict): del_value_for_nested_key(v, key)
[docs]def find_value_for_nested_key(mapping, key_of_interest, tree=[]): """ In a dict of dicts, find a value for a given key Parameters ---------- mapping : dict The nested dictionary to search through key_of_interest : str The key to search for. tree : list Where to start searching Returns ------- value : The value of key anywhere in the nested dict. Note ---- Behaviour of what happens when a key appears twice anywhere on different levels of the nested dict is unclear. The uppermost one is taken, but if the key appears in more than one item, I'd guess something ambigous occus... """ original_mapping = mapping logger.debug("Looking for key %s", key_of_interest) logging.debug("Looking in %s", mapping) logger.debug("Using tree %s", tree) if tree: for leaf in tree: mapping = mapping[leaf] else: tree = [None] for leaf in reversed(tree): logging.debug("Looking in bottommost leaf %s", leaf) for key, value in six.iteritems(mapping): if key == key_of_interest: return value if leaf: find_value_in_nested_key(original_mapping, key_of_interest, tree[:-1]) warnings.warn("Couldn't find value for key %s" % key_of_interest)
# raise KeyError("Couldn't find value for key %s", key_of_interest)
[docs]def basic_choose_blocks(config_to_resolve, config_to_search, isblacklist=True): all_set_variables = {} while True: name_chooses = basic_list_all_keys_starting_with_choose( config_to_resolve, gray_list, isblacklist ) if name_chooses == []: break for key, block in name_chooses: all_set_variables[key] = basic_determine_set_variables_in_choose_block( block ) task_list = choose_key = basic_find_one_independent_choose(all_set_variables) logging.debug("The task list is: %s", task_list) logging.debug("all_set_variables: %s", all_set_variables) resolve_basic_choose(config_to_search, config_to_resolve, choose_key) del all_set_variables[choose_key] for key in list(all_set_variables): if not all_set_variables[key]: del all_set_variables[key] logging.debug("Remaining all_set_variables=%s", all_set_variables) basic_add_entries_to_chapter_in_config(config_to_resolve) basic_remove_entries_from_chapter_in_config(config_to_resolve)
[docs]def basic_list_all_keys_starting_with_choose(mapping, ignore_list, isblacklist): logging.debug("Top of list_all_keys_starting_with_choose") all_chooses = [] for key, value in six.iteritems(mapping): if ( isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith("choose_") and ( (not isblacklist) or (isblacklist and not determine_regex_list_match(key, ignore_list)) ) and not determine_regex_list_match(key, constant_blacklist) ): all_chooses.append((key, value)) logging.debug("Will return %s", all_chooses) return all_chooses
[docs]def list_all_keys_starting_with_choose(mapping, model_name, ignore_list, isblacklist): """ Given a ``mapping`` (e.g. a ``dict``-type object), list all keys that start with ``"choose_"`` on any level of the nested dictionary. Parameters ---------- mapping : dict The dictionary to search through for keys starting with ``"choose_"`` model_name : str ignore_list : list Returns ------- all_chooses : list A list of tuples for .... A dictionary containing all key, value pairs starting with ``"choose_"``. """ logging.debug("Top of list_all_keys_starting_with_choose") all_chooses = [] if not isinstance(mapping, dict): print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PG") print(locals()) import pdb pdb.set_trace() keys = list(mapping) for key in keys: value = mapping[key] if ( isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith("choose_") and ( (not isblacklist) or (isblacklist and not determine_regex_list_match(key, ignore_list)) ) and not determine_regex_list_match(key, constant_blacklist) ): if not "." in key: old_key = key key = "choose_" + model_name + "." + key.split("choose_")[-1] del mapping[old_key] mapping[key] = value all_chooses.append((key, value)) logging.debug("Will return %s", all_chooses) return all_chooses
[docs]def basic_determine_set_variables_in_choose_block(config): set_variables = [] for k, v in six.iteritems(config): if isinstance(v, dict): # and isinstance(k, str) and k.startswith("choose_"): # Go in further set_variables += basic_determine_set_variables_in_choose_block(v) else: var_name = k set_variables.append(var_name) return set_variables
[docs]def determine_set_variables_in_choose_block(config, valid_model_names, model_name=[]): """ Given a config, figures out which variables are resolved in a choose block. In order to avoid cyclic dependencies, it is necessary to figure out which variables are set in which choose block. This function recurses over all key/value pairs of a configuration, and for any key which is a model name, it determines which variables are set in it's ``choose_`` blocks. Tuples of ``(model_name, var_name)`` are appended to a list, which is returned with all it's duplicates removed. Parameters ---------- config : dict valid_model_names : list model_name : list Returns ------- set_variables : list A list of tuples of model_name and corresponding variable that are determined in ``config`` """ set_variables = [] for k, v in six.iteritems(config): if isinstance(k, str) and k in valid_model_names: logging.debug(k) model_name = k if isinstance(v, dict): # and isinstance(k, str) and k.startswith("choose_"): # Go in further set_variables += determine_set_variables_in_choose_block( v, valid_model_names, model_name ) else: var_name = k if not model_name: model_name = "general" set_variables.append((model_name, var_name)) return set_variables
[docs]def basic_find_one_independent_choose(all_set_variables): """ Given a dictionary of ``all_set_variables``, which comes out of the function ``determine_set_variables_in_choose_block``, gives a list of task/variable dependencies to resolve in order to figure out the variable. Parameters ---------- all_set_variables : dict Returns ------- task_list : list A list of tuples comprising ``(model_name, var_name)`` in order to resolve one ``choose_`` block. This list is built in such a way that the beginning of the list provides dependencies for later on in the list. """ task_list = [] for choose_keyword in list(all_set_variables): # for choose_keyword, set_vars in six.iteritems(value): task_list.append(choose_keyword) task_list = basic_add_more_important_tasks( choose_keyword, all_set_variables, task_list ) logging.debug(task_list) return task_list[0]
[docs]def find_one_independent_choose(all_set_variables): """ Given a dictionary of ``all_set_variables``, which comes out of the function ``determine_set_variables_in_choose_block``, gives a list of task/variable dependencies to resolve in order to figure out the variable. Parameters ---------- all_set_variables : dict Returns ------- task_list : list A list of tuples comprising ``(model_name, var_name)`` in order to resolve one ``choose_`` block. This list is built in such a way that the beginning of the list provides dependencies for later on in the list. """ task_list = [] for key in all_set_variables: value = all_set_variables[key] choose_keywords = list(value) for choose_keyword in choose_keywords: set_vars = value[choose_keyword] task_list.append((key, choose_keyword)) task_list = add_more_important_tasks( choose_keyword, all_set_variables, task_list ) logging.debug(task_list) return task_list[0]
[docs]def resolve_basic_choose(config, config_to_replace_in, choose_key, blackdict={}): path_to_key = choose_key.replace("choose_", "").split(".") try: choice = recursive_get(config, path_to_key) except ValueError: if "*" not in config_to_replace_in[choose_key]: raise KeyError("Key %s was not defined" % ".".join(path_to_key)) else: del config_to_replace_in[choose_key] return if isinstance(choice, str) and "${" in choice: try: choice = find_variable( [config_to_replace_in["model"]], choice, config, [], True ) # print("BEEEEE CALM, resolved: " + choice) except: #print("BEEEEE CAREFUL, did not resolve: " + choose_key) #logging.warning("Variable %s as a choice, skipping...", choice) #del config_to_replace_in[choose_key] gray_list.append(re.compile(choose_key)) return logging.debug(choice) if choice in config_to_replace_in.get(choose_key): for update_key, update_value in six.iteritems( config_to_replace_in[choose_key][choice] ): deep_update(update_key, update_value, config_to_replace_in, blackdict) elif "*" in config_to_replace_in.get(choose_key): logging.debug("Found a * case!") for update_key, update_value in six.iteritems( config_to_replace_in[choose_key]["*"] ): deep_update(update_key, update_value, config_to_replace_in, blackdict) else: # Those two are too noisy #logging.warning("Choice %s could not be resolved", choice) #logging.warning("Key was key=%s", choose_key) pass del config_to_replace_in[choose_key]
[docs]def resolve_choose(model_with_choose, choose_key, config): if model_with_choose in config: config_to_replace_in = config else: raise KeyError("Something is horribly wrong") model_name, key = choose_key.replace("choose_", "").split(".") choice = config.get(model_with_choose).get(key) config_to_search_in = {} if model_name in config: config_to_search_in = config if not config_to_search_in: raise KeyError("Something else is horribly wrong") if key in config_to_search_in[model_name]: choice = config_to_search_in[model_name][key] logging.debug(model_with_choose) logging.debug(choice) logging.debug("key=%s", key)
[docs]def resolve_choose_with_var( var, config, user_config={}, model_config={}, setup_config={} ): """ Searches for a ``choose_`` block inside a model configuration ``config``, in which ``var`` is defined, and then resolves ONLY the ``var`` (the other variables in the ``choose_`` remain untouched). Needed, for example, for being able to use ``include_models`` from a ``choose_`` before the general choose-resolve takes place (i.e. include ``xios`` component from ``oifs.yaml`` using a ``choose_``). Parameters ---------- var : str Name of the variable to be searched inside ``choose_`` blocks. config : dict Model configuration to be changed if the ``var`` is resolved by the ``choose_``. user_config : dict User configuration, used to search for the selected case of the ``choose_``. model_config : dict Component configuration, used to search for the selected case of the ``choose_``. setup_config : dict Setup configuration, used to search for the selected case of the ``choose_``. """ # Find the path to the variable ``var`` in the given ``config``, inside a # ``choose_`` choose_with_var = find_key(config, var, paths2finds=[]) choose_with_var = [x for x in choose_with_var if "choose_" in x] # If the path is found if choose_with_var: # If ``var`` is in multiple ``choose_`` blocks return an error if len(choose_with_var) > 1: if choose_with_var[0] is not choose_with_var[1] or len(choose_with_var) > 2: print("include_models in more than one choose_ block!") sys.exit(-1) # Get the first part of the path to the ``var`` choose_with_var = choose_with_var[0].split(".")[0] # Get the key for the ``choose_`` choose_key = choose_with_var.replace("choose_", "") # Name of the evaluated model current_model = config.get("model") # Find where the case for the ``choose_`` is defined, with priority: user -> # setup -> model config_to_search_into = None if choose_key in user_config.get(current_model, []): config_to_search_into = user_config.get(current_model) elif choose_key in model_config.get(current_model, []): config_to_search_into = model_config.get(current_model) elif choose_key in setup_config.get(current_model, []): config_to_search_into = setup_config.get(current_model) # If the case was found if config_to_search_into: # Deep copy here avoids the other variables in the case to be updated now. # We want to update now ONLY the ``var``. config_copy = copy.deepcopy(config) # Resolve the case resolve_basic_choose(config_to_search_into, config_copy, choose_with_var) # If ``var`` was defined through the resolution of the ``choose_``, add the # ``var`` value to the ``config``. if config_copy.get(var): config[var] = config_copy.get(var)
[docs]def basic_add_more_important_tasks(choose_keyword, all_set_variables, task_list): """ Determines dependencies of a choose keyword. Parameters ---------- choose_keyword : str The keyword, starting with choose, which is looked through to check if there are any dependencies that must be resolved first to correctly resolve this one. all_set_variables : dict All variables that can be set task_list : list A list in the order in which tasks must be resolved for ``choose_keyword`` to make sense. Returns ------- task_list A list of choices which must be made in order for choose_keyword to make sense. """ keyword = choose_keyword.replace("choose_", "") for choose_thing in all_set_variables: logging.debug("Choose_thing = %s", choose_thing) for keyword_that_is_set in all_set_variables[choose_thing]: if keyword_that_is_set == keyword: if choose_thing not in task_list: task_list.insert(0, choose_thing) basic_add_more_important_tasks( choose_thing, all_set_variables, task_list ) return task_list else: raise KeyError("Opps cyclic dependency: %s" % task_list) return task_list
[docs]def add_more_important_tasks(choose_keyword, all_set_variables, task_list): """ Determines dependencies of a choose keyword. Parameters ---------- choose_keyword : str The keyword, starting with choose, which is looked through to check if there are any dependencies that must be resolved first to correctly resolve this one. all_set_variables : dict All variables that can be set task_list : list A list in the order in which tasks must be resolved for ``choose_keyword`` to make sense. Returns ------- task_list A list of choices which must be made in order for choose_keyword to make sense. """ keyword = choose_keyword.replace("choose_", "") if "cores_per_node" in keyword: pass # pdb.set_trace() for model in all_set_variables: for choose_thing in all_set_variables[model]: # logging.debug("Choose_thing = %s", choose_thing) for (host, keyword_that_is_set) in all_set_variables[model][choose_thing]: if ( keyword_that_is_set == keyword or keyword_that_is_set == keyword.replace(model + ".", "") ): if (model, choose_thing) not in task_list: task_list.insert(0, (model, choose_thing)) add_more_important_tasks( choose_thing, all_set_variables, task_list ) return task_list else: raise KeyError("Opps cyclic dependency: %s" % task_list) return task_list
[docs]def recursive_run_function(tree, right, level, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Recursively runs func on all nested dicts. Tree is a list starting at the top of the config dictionary, where it will be labeled "top" Parameters ---------- tree : list Where in the dictionary you are right : The value of the last key in `tree` level : str, one of "mappings", "atomic", "always" When to perform func func : callable An function to perform on all levels where the type of ``right`` is in ``level``. See the Notes for how this function's call signature should look. *args : Passed to func **kwargs : Passed to func Returns ------- right Note ---- The ``func`` argument must be a callable (i.e. a function) and **must** have a call signature of the following form: .. code:: def func(tree, right, *args, **kwargs) """ # logging.debug("Top of function") # logging.debug("tree=%s", tree) if level == "mappings": do_func_for = [dict, list] elif level == "atomic": do_func_for = [str, int, float, Date] if six.PY2: do_func_for.append(unicode) elif level == "always": do_func_for = [str, dict, list, int, float, bool] elif level == "keys": do_func_for = [] else: do_func_for = [] # Python 2/3 error in YAML parser, bad workaround: if six.PY2: if isinstance(right, unicode): logging.warning("Unicode type detected, converting to a regular string!") right = right.encode("utf-8") assert isinstance(right, str) logging.warning(right) logging.debug("Type right: %s", type(right)) logging.debug("Do func for: %s", do_func_for) if level is "keys" and isinstance(right, dict): keys = list(right) for key in keys: old_value = right[key] returned_key = func(tree + [key], key, *args, **kwargs) del right[key] right.update({returned_key: old_value}) # logger.debug("right is a %s!", type(right)) if type(right) in do_func_for: if isinstance(right, dict): keys = list(right) for key in keys: value = right[key] logging.debug("Deleting key %s", key) logging.debug( "Start func %s with %s, %s sent from us", func.__name__, tree + [key], value, "type_of_sender=dict", ) returned_dict = func(tree + [key], value, *args, **kwargs) del right[key] # logger.debug("Back out of func %s", func.__name__) # logger.debug("Got as returned_dict: %s", returned_dict) right.update(returned_dict) # elif isinstance(right, list): # for index, item in enumerate(right): # del right[0] # right.append(func(tree + [None], item, *args, **kwargs)) else: right = func(tree + [None], right, *args, **kwargs) # logger.debug("finished with do_func_for") if isinstance(right, list): newright = [] for index, item in enumerate(right): new_item = recursive_run_function( tree + [None], item, level, func, *args, **kwargs ) """ We are not supposed to understand this from Sept 01 2020 on takes care of list_to_multikey returning a list, that needs to be merged into the existing list rather than become a list within lists extremely undesirable way of solving this Miguels fault """ if type(item) == str and "[[" in item and func == list_to_multikey: newright += new_item else: newright.append(new_item) right = newright elif isinstance(right, dict): keys = list(right) for key in keys: value = right[key] right[key] = recursive_run_function( tree + [key], value, level, func, *args, **kwargs ) return right
[docs]def recursive_get(config_to_search, config_elements): """ Recusively gets entries in a nested dictionary in the form ``outer_key.middle_key.inner_key = value`` Given a list of config elements in the form above (e.g. the result of splitting the string ``"outer_key.middle_key.inner_key".split(".")``` on the dot), the value "value" of the innermost nest is returned. Parameters ---------- config_to_search : dict The dictionary to search through config_elements : list Each part of the next level of the dictionary to search, as a list. Returns ------- The value associated with the nested dictionary specified by ``config_elements``. Note ---- This is actually just a wrapper around the function ``actually_recursive_get``, which is needed to pop off standalone model configurations. """ logging.debug("Incoming config elements: %s", config_elements) my_config_elements = copy.deepcopy(config_elements) this_config = my_config_elements.pop(0) logger.debug("this_config=%s", this_config) logger.debug("config_to_search=%s", config_to_search) try: result = config_to_search[this_config] except: raise ValueError( "Exactly None! Couldn't find an answer for:", my_config_elements ) # This looks dangerous too... if my_config_elements: return recursive_get(result, my_config_elements) # Unicode vs Str again if six.PY2: if isinstance(result, list): for index, entry in enumerate(result): if isinstance(entry, unicode): logging.critical("Changing unicode to str!") result[index] = str(index) elif isinstance(result, unicode): logging.critical("Changing unicode to str!") entries_of_key = str(entries_of_key) return result
[docs]def determine_regex_list_match(test_str, regex_list): result = [] for regex in regex_list: logging.debug("Checking %s against %s", test_str, regex) result.append(regex.match(test_str)) logging.debug("Will return %s" % any(result)) return any(result)
[docs]def find_variable(tree, rhs, full_config, white_or_black_list, isblacklist): raw_str = rhs if not tree[-1]: tree = tree[:-1] if isinstance(raw_str, str) and "${" in raw_str: ok_part, rest = raw_str.split("${", 1) var, new_raw = rest.split("}", 1) if ((determine_regex_list_match(var, white_or_black_list)) != isblacklist) and ( not determine_regex_list_match(var, constant_blacklist) ): var_result, var_attrs = actually_find_variable(tree, var, full_config) if type(var_result) == str: if "${" in var_result: var_result = find_variable( tree, var_result, full_config, white_or_black_list, isblacklist, ) if "$((" in var_result: var_result = do_math_in_entry(tree, var_result, full_config) if var_attrs: rentry = [] if not isinstance(var_result, Date): var_result = var_result.replace(DATE_MARKER, "") entry = Date(var_result, full_config["general"]["calendar"]) else: entry = var_result for attr in var_attrs.split("!"): rentry.append(str(getattr(entry, attr))) var_result = "".join(rentry) # if var_result: # BUG/FIXME: Note that this means that we **always** will get # back a string if a variable is replaced! if type(var_result) not in [list]: ok_part, var_result, more_rest = ( str(ok_part), str(var_result), str(new_raw), ) if "${" in ok_part + var_result + more_rest: raw_str = find_variable( tree, ok_part + var_result + more_rest, full_config, white_or_black_list, isblacklist, ) else: raw_str = ok_part + var_result + more_rest else: return var_result return raw_str
[docs]class EsmParserError(Exception): """Raise this error when the parser has problems"""
[docs]def actually_find_variable(tree, rhs, full_config): config_elements = rhs.split(".") valid_names = list(full_config) logging.debug(valid_names) if config_elements[0] not in valid_names: config_elements.insert(0, tree[0]) full_varname = config_elements[-1] if "!" in full_varname: var_name, var_attr = full_varname.split("!", 1) else: var_name, var_attr = full_varname, None config_elements[-1] = var_name original_config_elements = copy.deepcopy(config_elements) try: var_result = recursive_get(full_config, config_elements) # return var_result except ValueError: # Maybe it is in the general: try: config_elements = original_config_elements logging.debug(config_elements) config_elements[0] = "general" var_result = recursive_get(full_config, config_elements) # return var_result except: raise EsmParserError("Sorry, a variable was not resolved: %s not found" % (rhs)) return var_result, var_attr
[docs]def list_to_multikey(tree, rhs, config_to_search, ignore_list, isblacklist): """ A recursive_run_function conforming func which puts any list based key to a multikey elsewhere. Sorry, that sounds confusing even to me, and I wrote the function. Parameters ---------- tree : list rhs : str config_to_search : dict Notes ----- Internal variable definitions in this function; based upon the example: prefix_[[streams-->STREAM]]_postfix + ``ok_part``: ``prefix_`` + ``actual_list``: ``streams-->STREAM`` + ``key_in_list``: ``streams`` + ``value_in_list``: ``STREAM`` + ``entries_of_key``: list of actual chapter ``streams``, e.g. ``[accw, echam6, e6hrsp, ...]`` """ list_fence = "[[" list_end = "]]" if tree: lhs = tree[-1] if isinstance(lhs, str) and lhs: if list_fence in lhs: return_dict = {} ok_part, rest = lhs.split(list_fence, 1) actual_list, new_raw = rest.split(list_end, 1) key_in_list, value_in_list = actual_list.split("-->", 1) # PG: THIS NEEDS TO BE OFF!!! #if isblacklist and not determine_regex_list_match( # key_in_list, ignore_list #): # return {lhs: rhs} key_elements = key_in_list.split(".") entries_of_key, _ = actually_find_variable( tree, key_in_list, config_to_search ) if isinstance(entries_of_key, str): entries_of_key = [entries_of_key] if isinstance(rhs, str): return_dict2 = {} for key in entries_of_key: return_dict2[ lhs.replace("[[" + actual_list + "]]", key).replace( value_in_list, key ) ] = rhs.replace(value_in_list, key) if isinstance(rhs, list): replaced_list = [] for item in rhs: if isinstance(item, str): for key in entries_of_key: replaced_list.append(item.replace(value_in_list, key)) else: replaced_list.append(item) return_dict2 = {} for key in entries_of_key: return_dict2[ lhs.replace("[[" + actual_list + "]]", key).replace( value_in_list, key ) ] = replaced_list def helper_dict_replacer(entry, value_in_list, replacement_key): if isinstance(entry, str): return entry.replace(value_in_list, replacement_key) if isinstance(entry, list): new_list = [] for i in entry: if isinstance(i, str): i = i.replace(value_in_list, replacement_key) # Handle lists containing dicts elif isinstance(i, dict): # Go through each key/value and replace STREAM with value keys = list(i) for k in keys: v = i[k] del i[k] if value_in_list in k: new_k = k.replace(value_in_list, replacement_key) if isinstance(k, str) else k if value_in_list in v: new_v = v.replace(value_in_list, replacement_key) if isinstance(v, str) else v i[new_k] = new_v new_list.append(i) return new_list if isinstance(entry, dict): new_entry = {} #pdb.set_trace() for k in list(entry): v = entry[k] #del entry[k] if value_in_list in k: new_k = k.replace(value_in_list, replacement_key) if isinstance(k, str) else k else: new_k = k #pdb.set_trace() new_v = helper_dict_replacer(v, value_in_list, replacement_key) #pdb.set_trace() new_entry[new_k] = new_v return new_entry if isinstance(rhs, dict): replacement_dict = {} keys_of_rhs_dict = list(rhs) for replacement_key in entries_of_key: inner_replacement_dict = replacement_dict[ok_part+replacement_key+new_raw] = {} for rhs_key in keys_of_rhs_dict: entry = rhs[rhs_key] # del rhs[rhs_key] if isinstance(rhs_key, str): new_rhs_key = rhs_key.replace(value_in_list, replacement_key) if isinstance(rhs_key, str) else rhs_key new_entry = helper_dict_replacer(entry, value_in_list, replacement_key) inner_replacement_dict[new_rhs_key] = new_entry else: raise NotImplementedError("Nested multikey replacement for dicts is only implement for str keys right now!") return_dict2 = replacement_dict if list_fence in new_raw: for key, value in six.iteritems(return_dict2): return_dict.update( list_to_multikey( tree + [key], value, config_to_search, ignore_list, isblacklist, ) ) else: return_dict = return_dict2 return return_dict return {lhs: rhs} if isinstance(rhs, str) and list_fence in rhs: rhs_list = [] ok_part, rest = rhs.split(list_fence, 1) actual_list, new_raw = rest.split(list_end, 1) # seb-wahl: check if a [[ ...]] entry in the string parsed contains # '-->' to avoid a crash if a shell command such as 'if [[ ...]]; then' is parsed if '-->' in actual_list: key_in_list, value_in_list = actual_list.split("-->", 1) key_elements = key_in_list.split(".") entries_of_key, _ = actually_find_variable( tree, key_in_list, config_to_search ) if isinstance(entries_of_key, str): entries_of_key = [entries_of_key] for entry in entries_of_key: rhs_list.append( rhs.replace("[[" + actual_list + "]]", str(entry)).replace( value_in_list, str(entry) ) ) if isinstance(entries_of_key, str): entries_of_key = [entries_of_key] for entry in entries_of_key: rhs_list.append( rhs.replace("[[" + actual_list + "]]", entry).replace( value_in_list, entry ) ) if list_fence in new_raw: out_list = [] for rhs_listitem in rhs_list: out_list += list_to_multikey( tree + [None], rhs_listitem, config_to_search, ignore_list, isblacklist, ) rhs_list = out_list return rhs_list elif isinstance(lhs, bool): return {lhs: rhs} return rhs
[docs]def determine_computer_from_hostname(): """ Determines which yaml config file is needed for this computer Notes ----- The supercomputer must be registered in the ``all_machines.yaml`` file in order to be found. Returns ------- str A string for the path of the computer specific yaml file. """ # FIXME: This needs to be a resource file at some point if FUNCTION_PATH.startswith("NONE_YET"): all_computers = esm_tools.read_config_file("machines/all_machines.yaml") else: all_computers = yaml_file_to_dict(FUNCTION_PATH + "/machines/all_machines.yaml") for this_computer in all_computers: for computer_pattern in all_computers[this_computer].values(): if isinstance(computer_pattern, str): if re.match(computer_pattern, socket.gethostname()) or re.match( computer_pattern, socket.getfqdn() ): return FUNCTION_PATH + "/machines/" + this_computer + ".yaml" elif isinstance(computer_pattern, (list, tuple)): # Pluralize to avoid confusion: computer_patterns = computer_pattern for pattern in computer_patterns: if re.match(pattern, socket.gethostname()): return FUNCTION_PATH + "/machines/" + this_computer + ".yaml" logging.warning( "The yaml file for this computer (%s) could not be determined!" % socket.gethostname() ) logging.warning("Continuing with generic settings...") return FUNCTION_PATH + "/machines/generic.yaml"
# raise FileNotFoundError( # "The yaml file for this computer (%s) could not be determined!" # % socket.gethostname() # )
[docs]def do_math_in_entry(tree, rhs, config): if not tree[-1]: tree = tree[:-1] entry = rhs if isinstance(entry, Date): return entry if "${" in str(entry): return entry entry = " " + str(entry) + " " while "$((" in entry: math, after_math = entry.split("))", 1) math, before_math = math[::-1].split("(($", 1) math = math[::-1] before_math = before_math[::-1] if DATE_MARKER in math: all_dates = [] steps = math.split(" ") steps = [step for step in steps if step] math = "" index = 0 for step in steps: if step in ["+", "-"]: math = math + step elif "seconds" in step: tupel = ( "(0, 0, 0, 0, 0," + step.replace("seconds", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("'", "") .strip() + ")" ) math = math + tupel elif "minutes" in step: tupel = ( "(0, 0, 0, 0," + step.replace("minutes", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("'", "") .strip() + ", 0)" ) math = math + tupel elif "hours" in step: tupel = ( "(0, 0, 0," + step.replace("hours", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("'", "") .strip() + ", 0, 0)" ) math = math + tupel elif "days" in step: tupel = ( "(0, 0," + step.replace("days", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("'", "") .strip() + ", 0, 0, 0)" ) math = math + tupel elif "months" in step: tupel = ( "(0," + step.replace("months", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("'", "") .strip() + ", 0, 0, 0, 0)" ) math = math + tupel elif "years" in step: tupel = ( "(" + step.replace("years", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("'", "") .strip() + ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)" ) math = math + tupel else: all_dates.append( Date( step.replace(DATE_MARKER, ""), config["general"]["calendar"] ) ) math = math + "all_dates[" + str(index) + "]" index += 1 result = eval(math) if type(result) == list: result = result[-1] # should be extended in the future - here: if list (= if diff between dates) than result in seconds result = str(result) entry = before_math + result + after_math return convert(entry.strip())
[docs]def mark_dates(tree, rhs, config): """Adds the ``DATE_MARKER`` to any entry who's key ends with ``"date"``""" if not tree[-1]: tree = tree[:-1] lhs = tree[-1] entry = rhs logging.debug(entry) # if "${" in str(entry): # return entry if isinstance(lhs, str) and lhs.endswith("date"): entry = str(entry) + DATE_MARKER return entry
[docs]def marked_date_to_date_object(tree, rhs, config): """Transforms a marked date string into a Date object""" if not tree[-1]: tree = tree[:-1] lhs = tree[-1] entry = rhs if isinstance(entry, Date): return entry if "${" in str(entry): return entry if isinstance(lhs, str) and lhs.endswith("date"): # if isinstance(entry, str) and DATE_MARKER in entry and "<--" not in entry: while DATE_MARKER in entry and "${" not in entry: entry = entry.replace(DATE_MARKER, "") if "!" in entry: actual_date, date_attr = entry.split("!", 1) else: actual_date, date_attr = entry, None entry = Date(actual_date, config["general"]["calendar"]) if date_attr: rentry = [] for attr in date_attr.split("!"): rentry.append(str(getattr(entry, attr))) return "".join(rentry) else: #return entry.output() return entry return entry
[docs]def unmark_dates(tree, rhs, config): """Removes the ``DATE_MARKER`` to any entry who's entry contains the ``DATE_MARKER``.""" if not tree[-1]: tree = tree[:-1] lhs = tree[-1] entry = rhs if isinstance(entry, str) and DATE_MARKER in entry: entry = entry.replace(DATE_MARKER, "") return entry
[docs]def perform_actions(tree, rhs, config): if not tree[-1]: tree = tree[:-1] lhs = tree[-1] entry = rhs if type(entry) == str: if "[[" in entry: return rhs if "<--" in entry: left, newrhs = entry.split("<--") action, source = newrhs.split("--") if "${" in source: source = find_variable( tree, source, config, [], True, ) parameter = None if "(" in action: action = action.replace(")", "") action, parameter = action.split("(") if "format" in action: if "d" in parameter or "f" in parameter: source = int(source) if parameter: solved_rhs = parameter % source else: solved_rhs = source newrhs = solved_rhs entry = left + newrhs if "fseq" in action: rest = source.replace("<--fseq-- ", "").strip() try: start, stop, step, precision = rest.split(" ") except: precision = 4 try: start, stop, step = rest.split(" ") except: start, stop = rest.split(" ") step = 1 numpyentry = list(numpy.arange(float(start), float(stop), float(step))) entry = [round(float(number), precision) for number in numpyentry] return entry
[docs]def purify_booleans(tree, rhs, config): if not tree[-1]: tree = tree[:-1] lhs = tree[-1] entry = rhs if isinstance(entry, Date): return entry if entry in ["True", "true", "False", "false"]: entry = eval(entry.capitalize()) return entry
[docs]def to_boolean(value): if type(value) == bool: return value elif value in ["True", "true", ".true."]: return True elif value in ["False", "false", ".false."]: return False
[docs]def could_be_bool(value): if type(value) == bool: return True elif type(value) == str: if value.strip() in ["True", "true", "False", "false", ".true.", ".false."]: return True return False
[docs]def could_be_int(value): try: int(value) return True except: try: intval = int( float(value) ) # that is actually necessary, because of int("48.0") if intval - float(value) == 0.0: return True else: return False except: return False
[docs]def could_be_float(value): try: float(value) return True except: return False
[docs]def could_be_complex(value): try: complex(value) return True except: return False
[docs]def convert(value): if could_be_bool(value): return to_boolean(value) elif could_be_int(value): return int(float(value)) elif could_be_float(value): return float(value) elif could_be_complex(value): return complex(value) return value
[docs]def list_all_keys_with_priority_marker(config): all_keys = [] for key in list(config): if isinstance(key, str): if priority_marker in key: all_keys.append(key) if isinstance(config[key], dict): list_all_keys_with_priority_marker(config[key]) logging.critical(all_keys) return all_keys
[docs]def finish_priority_merge(config): all_keys = list(config) all_keys_with_priority_marker = list_all_keys_with_priority_marker(config) while all_keys_with_priority_marker: for key in all_keys: value = config[key] if isinstance(value, dict): return finish_priority_merge(config) if priority_marker in key: del config[key] config[key.replace(priority_marker, "")] = value # Recreate the test list all_keys_with_priority_marker = list_all_keys_with_priority_marker(config)
[docs]def choose_blocks(config, blackdict={}, isblacklist=True): global gray_list all_set_variables = {} all_names = list(config) gray_list_backup = gray_list.copy() while True: for name in all_names: all_set_variables[name] = {} name_chooses = list_all_keys_starting_with_choose( config[name], name, gray_list, isblacklist ) if name_chooses == []: continue for key, block in name_chooses: all_set_variables[name][key] = determine_set_variables_in_choose_block( block, all_names, name ) task_list = model_with_choose, choose_key = find_one_independent_choose( all_set_variables ) for key in list(all_set_variables): if not all_set_variables[key]: del all_set_variables[key] if not all_set_variables: break logging.debug("The task list is: %s", task_list) logging.debug("all_set_variables: %s", all_set_variables) if model_with_choose in list(blackdict): resolve_basic_choose( config, config[model_with_choose], choose_key, blackdict[model_with_choose] ) else: resolve_basic_choose(config, config[model_with_choose], choose_key, {}) del all_set_variables[model_with_choose][choose_key] logging.debug("Remaining all_set_variables=%s", all_set_variables) add_entries_to_chapter_in_config(config, all_names, config, all_names) remove_entries_from_chapter_in_config(config, all_names, config, all_names) gray_list = gray_list_backup.copy()
[docs]def find_key(d_search, k_search, exc_strings = "", level = "", paths2finds = [], sep = "."): """ Searches for a key inside a nested dictionary. It can search for an integer, or a piece of string. A list of strings can be given as an input to search for keys containing all of them. An additional list of strings can be specified for keys containing them be excluded from the findings. This is a recursive function. .. Note:: Always define paths2finds, to avoid expansion of this list with consecutive calls. Parameters ---------- d_search : dict The dictionary to be explored recursively. k_search : list, str, int String, integer or list of strings to be search for in ``d_search``. exc_strings : list, str String or list of strings for keys containing them to be excluded from the finds. When set to an empty string, nothing is excluded. level : string String specifying the full path to the currently evaluated dictionary. Each dictionary level in these strings is separated by a ``.``. paths2finds : list List of strings specifying the full path to the found keys in ``d_search``. Each dictionary level in these strings is separated by a the specified string in ``sep`` (default is ``"."``). sep : string String separator used in between each path component in ``paths2finds``. Return ------ paths2finds : list List of strings specifying the full path to the found keys in ``d_search``. Each dictionary level in these strings is separated by a ``.``. """ # Transform input to lists if isinstance(k_search, (str, int)): k_search = [k_search] elif not isinstance(k_search, list): raise Exception("k_search is not a string, a list or a list of strings") if isinstance(exc_strings, str): exc_strings = [exc_strings] elif not isinstance(exc_strings, list): raise Exception("exc_strings is not a string, or a list of strings") # Loop over the d_search keys for key in d_search.keys(): strings_in_key = True # Check if the key meets the specified requirements for istr in k_search: # key is a string but it does not contained the searched string if isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(istr, str) and istr not in key: strings_in_key &= False # key is an integer but is not equal to the searched integer elif isinstance(key, int) and istr is not key: strings_in_key &= False elif isinstance(key, float) and istr is not key: strings_in_key &= False # key is neither an integer or a string elif not isinstance(key, str) and not isinstance(key, int) and not isinstance(key, float): raise Warning("find_key only supports searches for keys that are string, integers," \ "floats and booleans") strings_in_key &= False # Check if the key needs to be excluded for estr in exc_strings: # Nothing to exclude if the key is not a string or estr is empty if isinstance(key, str) and estr in key and len(estr)>0: strings_in_key &= False # If the key meets the criteria, add the path to the paths2finds if strings_in_key: paths2finds.append(level + str(key)) # If the key does not meet the criteria, but its value is a dictionary # keep searching inside (recursion). elif not strings_in_key and isinstance(d_search[key], dict): paths2finds = find_key(d_search[key], k_search, exc_strings, level + str(key) + sep, paths2finds, sep) return paths2finds
[docs]def user_note(note_heading, note_text): """ Notify the user about something. In the future this should also write in the log. Parameters ---------- note_heading : str Note type used for the heading. text : str Text clarifying the note. """ print("\n" + note_heading + "\n" + "-" * len(note_heading) + "\n") print(note_text)
[docs]def user_error(error_type, error_text, exit_code=1): """ User-friendly error using ``sys.exit()`` instead of an ``Exception``. Parameters ---------- error_type : str Error type used for the error heading. text : str Text clarifying the error. exit_code : int The exit code to send back to the parent process (default to 1) """ error_title = "ERROR: " + error_type user_note(error_title, error_text) sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]class GeneralConfig(dict): # pragma: no cover """ All configs do this! """ def __init__(self, model, version, user_config): super(dict, self).__init__() if os.path.isfile(model+"-"+version): config_path = model+"-"+version elif os.path.isfile(model): config_path = model else: include_path, needs_load = look_for_file(model, model + "-" + version) if not include_path: include_path, needs_load = look_for_file(model, model) if not include_path: print(f"GeneralConfig: Couldn't find file for model {model}") sys.exit(-1) if needs_load: self.config = yaml_file_to_dict(include_path) else: self.config = include_path for attachment in CONFIGS_TO_ALWAYS_ATTACH_AND_REMOVE: attach_to_config_and_remove(self.config, attachment) self._config_init(user_config) for k, v in six.iteritems(self.config): self.__setitem__(k, v) del self.config def _config_init(self, user_config): raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of GeneralConfig must define a _config_init!" )
[docs]class ConfigSetup(GeneralConfig): # pragma: no cover """ Config Class for Setups """ def _config_init(self, user_config): # user_config should be ok already # self.config contains first yaml file and further_readings # setup_config: if not "defaults" in user_config: user_config["defaults"] = {} default_infos = {} if not DEFAULTS_DIR.startswith("NONE_YET"): for i in os.listdir(DEFAULTS_DIR): file_contents = yaml_file_to_dict(DEFAULTS_DIR + "/" + i) default_infos.update(file_contents) else: for i in esm_tools.list_config_dir(DEFAULTS_DIR.replace("NONE_YET/", "")): file_contents = esm_tools.read_config_file(DEFAULTS_DIR.replace("NONE_YET/", "")+"/"+i) default_infos.update(file_contents) user_config["defaults"].update(default_infos) computer_file = determine_computer_from_hostname() if computer_file.startswith("NONE_YET"): computer_config = esm_tools.read_config_file(computer_file.replace("NONE_YET/", "")) else: computer_config = yaml_file_to_dict(computer_file) setup_config = { "computer": computer_config, "general": {}, } for attachment in CONFIGS_TO_ALWAYS_ATTACH_AND_REMOVE: attach_to_config_and_remove(setup_config["computer"], attachment) # Add the fake "model" name to the computer: setup_config["computer"]["model"] = "computer""setup config is being updated with setup_relevant_configs") # distribute self.config into setup_config if "general" in self.config and "coupled_setup" in self.config["general"]: setup_config["general"].update({"standalone": False}) setup_config["general"]["include_models"] = self.config["general"][ "include_models" ] # that should happen in Shell2Yaml if user_config["general"]["setup_name"] in user_config: user_config["general"].update( user_config[user_config["general"]["setup_name"]] ) del user_config[user_config["general"]["setup_name"]] dict_merge(setup_config, self.config) setup_config["general"]["valid_setup_names"] = valid_setup_names = list( setup_config ) setup_config["general"]["valid_model_names"] = valid_model_names = [] else: setup_config["general"].update({"standalone": True}) setup_config["general"].update({"models": [self.config["model"]]}) # Resolve choose with include_models (Miguel) resolve_choose_with_var( "include_models", self.config, user_config=user_config, setup_config=setup_config, ) if "include_models" in self.config: setup_config["general"]["include_models"] = self.config[ "include_models" ] setup_config[self.config["model"]] = self.config setup_config["general"]["valid_setup_names"] = valid_setup_names = list( setup_config ) setup_config["general"]["valid_setup_names"].remove(self.config["model"]) setup_config["general"]["valid_model_names"] = valid_model_names = [self.config["model"]] del self.config setup_config["general"].update( {"esm_function_dir": esm_function_dir, "esm_namelist_dir": esm_namelist_dir, "esm_runscript_dir": esm_runscript_dir, "expid": "test"} ) # setup_config should be ok now # model_config: old_model_list = None if "include_models" in setup_config["general"]: new_model_list = [] old_model_list = setup_config["general"]["include_models"].copy() if "models" in setup_config["general"]: old_model_list += setup_config["general"]["models"].copy() for model in setup_config["general"]["include_models"]: if not "-" in model and model in user_config and "version" in user_config[model]: new_model_list.append(model + "-" + user_config[model]["version"]) elif not "-" in model and model in setup_config and "version" in setup_config[model]: new_model_list.append(model + "-" + setup_config[model]["version"]) else: new_model_list.append(model) setup_config["general"]["include_models"] = new_model_list model_config = {} attach_to_config_and_reduce_keyword( setup_config["general"], model_config, "include_models", "models" ) if old_model_list: #print (old_model_list) setup_config["general"]["models"] = old_model_list if "models" in setup_config["general"]: for model in setup_config["general"]["models"]: if model in model_config: # Resolve choose with include_models (Miguel) resolve_choose_with_var( "include_models", model_config.get(model), user_config=user_config, model_config=model_config, setup_config=setup_config, ) attach_to_config_and_reduce_keyword( model_config[model], model_config, "include_models", "models" ) for model in list(model_config): for attachment in CONFIGS_TO_ALWAYS_ATTACH_AND_REMOVE: attach_to_config_and_remove(model_config[model], attachment) #if "models" in setup_config["general"]: # new_model_list = [] # for model in setup_config["general"]["models"]: # new_model_list.append(model.split("-")[0]) # setup_config["general"]["models"] = new_model_list for model in list(model_config): setup_config["general"]["valid_model_names"].append(model) #valid_model_names.append(list(model_config)) happens automatically # model_config should be ok now # merge everything logging.debug("Valid Setup Names = %s", valid_setup_names) logging.debug("Valid Model Names = %s", valid_model_names) self._blackdict = blackdict = priority_merge_dicts( user_config, setup_config, priority="first" ) self.config = priority_merge_dicts(blackdict, model_config, priority="first") if not "coupled_setup" in self.config["general"]: self._blackdict = blackdict = user_config #pprint_config(self.config) #sys.exit(0)
[docs] def finalize(self): self.run_recursive_functions(self) del self._blackdict
[docs] def run_recursive_functions(self, config, isblacklist=True): logging.debug("Top of run recursive functions") recursive_run_function([], config, "atomic", mark_dates, config) recursive_run_function([], config, "atomic", perform_actions, config) recursive_run_function( [], config, "atomic", find_variable, config, gray_list, isblacklist=isblacklist, ) recursive_run_function( [], config, "keys", find_variable, config, gray_list, isblacklist=isblacklist, ) recursive_run_function([], config, "atomic", do_math_in_entry, config) recursive_run_function([], config, "atomic", marked_date_to_date_object, config) recursive_run_function([], config, "atomic", unmark_dates, config) recursive_run_function( [], config, "always", list_to_multikey, config, gray_list, isblacklist=isblacklist, ) recursive_run_function([], config, "atomic", purify_booleans, config) recursive_run_function([], config, "atomic", perform_actions, config)