Source code for esm_tools

ESM Tools (Package Documentation)

This package contains almost no code, but instead is where most of the YAML
configurations files are distributed. Default namelists are included as well as
example runscripts. This section **only** documents the code contained in the
module, please refer to the handbook for user documentation as well as API
documentation for the various sub-modules of the project.

Accessing Configuration

To access a particular configuration, you can use::

    >>> from esm_tools import read_config_file
    >>> ollie_config = read_config_file("machines/ollie")

Important note here is that the configuration file **has not yet been parsed**,
so it's just the dictionary representation of the YAML.

__author__ = """Dirk Barbi, Paul Gierz"""
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "6.9.1"

import functools
import inspect
import operator
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import site
import sys

from loguru import logger
import pkg_resources
import yaml

# Setup Loguru for the following cases:
# A) If user sets
if os.environ.get("DEBUG_ESM_TOOLS"):
    logger.add(sys.stderr, filter={"": "WARNING", "esm_tools": "DEBUG"})
elif os.environ.get("CI"):
    logger.add(sys.stderr, filter={"": "WARNING"})
        filter={"": "WARNING", "esm_tools": "DEBUG"},
elif os.environ.get("CI_VERBOSE"):
    logger.add(sys.stderr, filter={"": "WARNING", "esm_tools": "DEBUG"})
        filter={"": "WARNING", "esm_tools": "DEBUG"},

[docs]def caller_wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs): logger.debug(f"{inspect.stack()[1].function} --> {func.__name__}") return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped_func
def _transform(nested_list): """Transform irregular 2D list into a regular one.""" regular_list = [] for ele in nested_list: if type(ele) is list: regular_list.append(ele) else: regular_list.append([ele]) return regular_list @caller_wrapper def _get_real_dir_from_pth_file(subfolder): logger.debug(f"Trying to resolve: {subfolder}") if subfolder.startswith("/"): logger.warning("Subfolder is strange!") logger.warning(subfolder) site_packages_dirs = functools.reduce( operator.iconcat, _transform([site.getusersitepackages(), site.getsitepackages()]), [], ) logger.debug(site_packages_dirs) for site_package_dir in site_packages_dirs: logger.debug(f"Working on {site_package_dir}") # Read the pth file: if pathlib.Path(f"{site_package_dir}/esm-tools.egg-link").exists(): with open(f"{site_package_dir}/esm-tools.egg-link", "r") as f: paths = [p.strip() for p in f.readlines()] # NOTE(PG): a pathlib.Path has a method resolve, which removes # things like "foo/baz/../bar" in the path to "foo/bar" logger.debug(f"paths={paths}") logger.debug(f"subfolder={subfolder}") actual_package_data_dir = pathlib.Path( f"{paths[0]}/{paths[1]}/{subfolder}/" ) logger.debug("Before resolve:") logger.debug(actual_package_data_dir) logger.debug("After resolve:") actual_package_data_dir = actual_package_data_dir.resolve() logger.debug(actual_package_data_dir) try: assert actual_package_data_dir.exists() # NOTE(PG): there is probably a better way of doing that than with assert. except AssertionError as e: logger.debug( f"Assumed path {actual_package_data_dir} did not exist! We tried:" ) logger.debug(f"paths[0]={paths[0]}") logger.debug(f"paths[1]={paths[1]}") if paths[1].startswith("/"): logger.debug( f"{paths[1]} starts with a slash, assuming absolute path!" ) actual_package_data_dir = pathlib.Path( f"{paths[1]}/{subfolder}/" ).resolve() try: assert actual_package_data_dir.exists() except AssertionError as e: logger.error("Could not determine path!") break # Break out of the for loop logger.debug(f"actual_package_data_dir={actual_package_data_dir}") return actual_package_data_dir raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not determine where {subfolder}'s path is inside the esm-tools installation! These were searched for info: {site_packages_dirs}" ) def _get_namelist_filepath_standard_install(namelist): return pkg_resources.resource_filename("esm_tools.namelists", namelist) def _get_namelist_filepath_editable_install(namelist): return f"{_get_real_dir_from_pth_file('namelists')}/{namelist}" def _get_config_filepath_standard_install(config): return pkg_resources.resource_filename("esm_tools.configs", config) def _get_config_filepath_editable_install(config): return f"{_get_real_dir_from_pth_file('configs')}/{config}" def _get_runscript_filepath_standard_install(runscript): return pkg_resources.resource_filename("esm_tools.runscripts", runscript) def _get_runscript_filepath_editable_install(runscript): return f"{_get_real_dir_from_pth_file('runscripts')}/{runscript}"
[docs]def get_config_as_str(config): return pkg_resources.resource_string("esm_tools.configs", config)
def _list_config_dir_standard_install(dir_path): return pkg_resources.resource_listdir("esm_tools.configs", dir_path) def _list_config_dir_editable_install(dir_path): return os.listdir(f"{_get_real_dir_from_pth_file('configs')}/{dir_path}") # For more information on how this works, see here: # def _read_config_standard_install(config): """ Reads a config file for the case that you have done a standard pip install. Parameters ---------- config : str The configuration to read, e.g. "machines/ollie.yaml" Returns ------- dict : A dictionary representation of the configuration """ if not config.endswith(".yaml"): config += ".yaml" configstr = pkg_resources.resource_string("esm_tools.configs", config) # configstr = pkg_resources.resource_string("configs", config) configdict = yaml.load(configstr, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return configdict def _read_namelist_standard_install(nml): """ Reads a namelist file for the case that you have done a standard pip install. Parameters ---------- nml : str The nml to read, e.g. "echam/6.3.04p2/PALEO/namelist.echam" Returns ------- str : A string representation of the namelist file. This should later be passed to the f90nml package. """ return pkg_resources.resource_string("esm_tools.namelists", nml) def _read_config_editable_install(config): """ Reads a config file for the case you have done an editable/develop install (e.g. pip -e). Parameters ---------- dict : A dictionary representation of the configuration """ if not config.endswith(".yaml"): config += ".yaml" # Note the only difference here is apparently swapping out # esm_tools.configs for just configs. Not sure how that works, but it seems # to be fine... with open(_get_config_filepath_editable_install(config), "r") as cfg: configstr = configdict = yaml.load(configstr, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return configdict def _copy_config_folder_standard_install(dest_path): src_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("esm_tools.configs", ".") return shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path) def _copy_config_folder_editable_install(dest_path): src_path = _get_config_filepath_editable_install("") return shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path) def _copy_namelist_folder_standard_install(dest_path): src_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("esm_tools.namelists", ".") return shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path) def _copy_namelist_folder_editable_install(dest_path): src_path = _get_namelist_filepath_editable_install("") return shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path) def _copy_runscript_folder_standard_install(dest_path): src_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("esm_tools.runscripts", ".") return shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path) def _copy_runscript_folder_editable_install(dest_path): src_path = _get_runscript_filepath_editable_install("") return shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path) def _read_namelist_editable_install(nml): """ Reads a namelist file for the case that you have done an editable/develop install. Parameters ---------- nml : str The nml to read, e.g. "echam/6.3.04p2/PALEO/namelist.echam" Returns ------- str : A string representation of the namelist file. This should later be passed to the f90nml package. """ with open(_get_namelist_filepath_editable_install("namelists", nml), "r") as nml: return # PG: Blatant theft: # def _dist_is_editable(dist): """Is distribution an editable install?""" for path_item in sys.path: egg_link = os.path.join(path_item, dist.replace("_", "-") + ".egg-link") if os.path.isfile(egg_link): return True return False EDITABLE_INSTALL = _dist_is_editable("esm_tools") """ bool : Shows if the installation is installed in editable mode or not. """ # Create a function that "does the right thing", depending on how this module # is installed
[docs]@caller_wrapper def read_config_file(config): """ Reads a configuration file, which should be seperated by "/". For example, "machines/ollie" will retrieve the (unparsed) configuration of the Ollie supercomputer. Parameters ---------- config : str Configuration to get, e.g. machines/ollie.yaml, or echam/echam. You may omit the ".yaml" ending if you want, it will be appended automatically if not already there. Returns ------- dict : A dictionary representation of the config. """ if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _read_config_editable_install(config) return _read_config_standard_install(config)
[docs]@caller_wrapper def list_config_dir(dirpath): if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _list_config_dir_editable_install(dirpath) return _list_config_dir_standard_install(dirpath)
[docs]@caller_wrapper def copy_config_folder(dest_path): if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _copy_config_folder_editable_install(dest_path) return _copy_config_folder_standard_install(dest_path)
[docs]@caller_wrapper def copy_namelist_folder(dest_path): if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _copy_namelist_folder_editable_install(dest_path) return _copy_namelist_folder_standard_install(dest_path)
[docs]@caller_wrapper def copy_runscript_folder(dest_path): if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _copy_runscript_folder_editable_install(dest_path) return _copy_runscript_folder_standard_install(dest_path)
[docs]@caller_wrapper def get_namelist_filepath(namelist=""): if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _get_namelist_filepath_editable_install(namelist) return _get_namelist_filepath_standard_install(namelist)
[docs]@caller_wrapper def get_config_filepath(config=""): if EDITABLE_INSTALL: cpath = _get_config_filepath_editable_install(config) else: cpath = _get_config_filepath_standard_install(config) return cpath
[docs]@caller_wrapper def get_runscript_filepath(runscript=""): if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _get_runscript_filepath_editable_install(runscript) return _get_runscript_filepath_standard_install(runscript)
[docs]@caller_wrapper def read_namelist_file(nml): """Reads a namelist file from a path, seperated by "/". Similar to ``read_config_file`` Parameters ---------- nml : str The namelist to load Returns ------- str : A string of the namelist file """ if EDITABLE_INSTALL: return _read_namelist_editable_install(nml) return _read_namelist_standard_install(nml)