Templating files with Jinja

esm_runscripts supports jinja templating. This is desirable because some times we might want that esm_runcripts “edits” some source files based on parameters defined in the configuration yamls or in its current scope.

For example, in the following domain_def.xml file:

<!-- Definition of the native domain of the model -->
<domain id="reduced_gaussian" long_name="reduced Gaussian grid" type="gaussian" />

<!-- Definition of regular Gaussian domains -->
<domain_group id="regular_domains" type="rectilinear" >
   <domain id="regular" long_name="regular grid" ni_glo="{{xios.ni_glo}}" nj_glo="{{xios.nj_glo}}" >
      <generate_rectilinear_domain />
      <interpolate_domain order="1" write_weight="true" />

we want that ni_glo and nj_glo get the values from the parameters xios.ni_glo and xios.nj_glo defined in esm_tools/configs/components/xios/xios.yaml.

This is achieved in esm_runscripts by:

  1. Having a source file where it’s name finishes with .j2, and that uses the syntax in the example above (including the ESM-Tools parameters to be substituted within double curly braces {{ }}), or using any other jinja syntax (read more about jinja syntax in the jinja’s documentation).

  2. Including that file as a source in any of the configuration yamls involved in the simulation. For example, to use the namelists/oifs/43r3/xios/domain_def.xml.j2 template to generate the domain_def.xml file, we would include it in the esm_tools/configs/components/xios/xios.yaml as follows (the same way we include any file that must be copied/moved/linked to the working directory, i.e., File Dictionaries):

        domain_def: ${xml_dir}/domain_def.xml.j2
        domain_def: domain_def.xml


If a template’s name does not end with .j2, it will be copied as is, without any substitution.


As with any other file dictionary, you can ommit the target (in this case config_in_work.domain_def) and the file will be copied to the target directory with the same name as the source file, except that for jinja files, the .j2 will be removed.