Source code for esm_master.software_package

############################## class "software_package" ##############################
import sys

[docs]def replace_var(var, tag, value): if var and tag and value: # deniz, TODO: In the future I will implement a better way around if isinstance(var, (str, int, float)): var = str(var) return var.replace("${" + tag + "}", value) elif isinstance(var, list): newlist = [] for entry in var: newlist.append(replace_var(entry, tag, value)) return newlist else: print(f"ERROR: unresolved variable: {var}") sys.exit(1)
[docs]class software_package: def __init__( self, raw, setup_info, vcs, general, no_infos=False ): # model_and_version): if isinstance(raw, str): ( dummy, self.kind, self.model, self.version, dummy2, self.raw_name, ) = setup_info.split_raw_target(raw, setup_info) else: # tupel: (self.kind, self.model, self.version) = raw self.raw_name = setup_info.assemble_raw_name( None, self.kind, self.model, self.version ) self.tag = None # deniz: Linux pipe support: eg. curl foo.tar.gz | tar zx # !!! if these lines are not here esm_master crashes on xios. self.pipe_options = None # deniz: I don't like the following lines. This is not good OOP. # Constructor should initialize all variables and they should not be # defined in an else block if not no_infos: self.fill_in_infos(setup_info, vcs, general) else: self.targets = self.subpackages = None # kh 11.09.20 support git options like --recursive self.repo_type = None self.repo = None self.branch = None self.repo_options = None self.bin_type = None self.bin_names = [None] self.command_list = None self.destination = None self.clone_destination = None self.coupling_changes = None # deniz: Linux pipe support: eg. curl foo.tar.gz | tar zx self.pipe_options = None self.permissions = None
[docs] def fill_in_infos(self, setup_info, vcs, general): self.targets = self.get_targets(setup_info, vcs) self.subpackages = self.get_subpackages(setup_info, vcs, general) self.complete_targets(setup_info) # kh 11.09.20 support git options like --recursive self.get_repo_info(setup_info, vcs) self.destination = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "destination") = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "contact") self.clone_destination = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "clone_destination") if not self.destination: self.destination = self.raw_name self.coupling_changes = self.get_coupling_changes(setup_info) self.repo = replace_var(self.repo, self.model + ".version", self.version) self.branch = replace_var(self.branch, self.model + ".version", self.version) self.repo_options = replace_var( self.repo_options, self.model + ".version", self.version ) # deniz: Linux pipe support self.pipe_options = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "pipe_options") self.bin_type, self.bin_names = self.get_comp_type(setup_info) self.command_list = self.get_command_list(setup_info, vcs, general)
[docs] def get_targets(self, setup_info, vcs): config = setup_info.config targets = [] for todo in setup_info.known_todos: if setup_info.has_target(self, todo, vcs): targets.append(todo) return targets
[docs] def complete_targets(self, setup_info): for todo in setup_info.known_todos: for package in self.subpackages: if todo in package.targets: if todo not in self.targets: self.targets.append(todo)
[docs] def get_coupling_changes(self, setup_info): config = setup_info.config changes = [] if self.kind == "couplings": these_changes = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "coupling_changes") if these_changes: changes = changes + these_changes elif self.kind == "setups": couplings = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "couplings") if couplings: for coupling in couplings: changes = [] if "coupling_changes" in config["couplings"][coupling]: these_changes = config["couplings"][coupling][ "coupling_changes" ] if these_changes: changes = changes + these_changes return changes
[docs] def get_subpackages(self, setup_info, vcs, general): subpackages = [] config = setup_info.config if self.kind == "setups": couplings = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "couplings") if couplings: for coupling in couplings: newpackage = software_package(coupling, setup_info, vcs, general) subpackages += newpackage.get_subpackages(setup_info, vcs, general) if self.kind == "couplings": components = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "components") if components: for component in components: found = False for package in subpackages: if component == package.raw_name: found = True break if not found: newpackage = software_package( component, setup_info, vcs, general ) subpackages += newpackage.get_subpackages( setup_info, vcs, general ) subpackages.append(newpackage) elif self.kind == "components": requirements = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "requires") if requirements: for component in requirements: found = False for package in subpackages: if component == package.raw_name: found = True break if not found: newpackage = software_package( component, setup_info, vcs, general ) subpackages += newpackage.get_subpackages( setup_info, vcs, general ) subpackages.append(newpackage) # if self.kind == "couplings": # components = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "components") # if components: # for component in components: # comp_tupel = software_package(component, setup_info, vcs, general) # if comp_tupel not in subpackages: # subpackages.append(comp_tupel) # elif self.kind == "setups": # couplings = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "couplings") # if couplings: # for coupling in couplings: # for component in config["couplings"][coupling]["components"]: # found = False # for package in subpackages: # if component == package.raw_name: # found = True # break # if not found: # subpackages.append( # software_package(component, setup_info, vcs, general) # ) # elif self.kind == "components": # requirements = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "requires") ## if requirements: # for requirement in requirements: # found = False # if subpackages: # for package in subpackages: # if requirement == package.raw_name: # found = True # break # if not found: # subpackages.append( # software_package(requirement, setup_info, vcs, general) # ) # else: # subpackages.append( # software_package(requirement, setup_info, vcs, general) # ) return subpackages
[docs] def get_comp_type(self, setup_info): exec_names = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "install_bins") if exec_names: if isinstance(exec_names, str): exec_names = [exec_names] return "bin", exec_names exec_names = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "install_libs") if exec_names: if isinstance(exec_names, str): exec_names = [exec_names] return "lib", exec_names return "bin", []
[docs] def get_repo_info(self, setup_info, vcs): self.repo = self.branch = self.repo_type = None for check_repo in vcs.known_repos: self.repo = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, check_repo + "-repository") if self.repo: self.repo_type = check_repo break self.branch = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "branch") # kh 11.09.20 support git options like --recursive self.repo_options = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "repo_options") self.permissions = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, "source_code_permissions")
[docs] def get_command_list(self, setup_info, vcs, general): command_list = {} for todo in self.targets: if todo in vcs.known_todos: commands = vcs.assemble_command(self, todo, setup_info, general) else: commands = setup_info.get_config_entry(self, todo + "_command") if commands: if isinstance(commands, str): commands = [commands] if not todo == "get": commands.insert(0, "pushd " + self.destination) commands.append("popd") if todo == "get": if self.coupling_changes: commands = [] for change in self.coupling_changes: commands.append(change) command_list.update({todo: commands}) return command_list
[docs] def output(self): print() print(self.raw_name) print( " Model:", self.model, ", Version:", self.version, ", Kind:", self.kind ) if self.subpackages: for package in self.subpackages: print(" Subpackage: ", package.raw_name) if self.targets: print(" Targets: ", self.targets) if self.repo_type: print( " Repo_type: ", self.repo_type, ", repo: ", self.repo, ", branch: ", self.branch, # kh 11.09.20 support git options like --recursive ", repo_options: ", self.repo_options, ) if self.bin_type: print(" Bin_type: ", self.bin_type, ", bin_names: ", self.bin_names) if self.command_list: print(" Commands:") for todo in self.command_list.keys(): print(" ", todo, self.command_list[todo]) if self.coupling_changes: print(" Coupling Changes:") for todo in self.coupling_changes: print(" ", todo)